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定 价:¥22.00

作 者: 王哲
出版社: 中山大学出版社
标 签: 英语与其他外语


ISBN: 9787306031778 出版时间: 2008-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 139 字数:  






Unit One Language
Part A News-EU Is Getting Lost in Translation
Part B Movie-Lost in Translation
Part C Interview-Howard Stern Faces New Challenge
Part D Commentary-Whars a Fleeting Expletive?
Part E Presentation and Discussion
Unit Two Culture
Part A News-Freezing Nike Ad
Part B Movie-Crash
Part C Interview-Taking the Pledge
Part D Commentary-Making Sense of Holidays
Part E Presentation and Discussion
Unit Three Disaster
Part A News-Entire Generation Might Have Been Lost in South Asian Earthquake
Part B Movie-Twister
Part C Interview-Katrina Response Sparks Outrage
Part D Commentary-What a Winter
Part E Presentation and Discussion
Unit Four Sports
Part A News-Amateurs Audition to Bend it with Beckham
Part B Movie-Million Dollar Baby
Part C Interview-Michael Jordan Still Flying High
Part D Commentary-Changing the Rules
Part E Presentation and Discussion
Unit Five Education
Part A News-Get Prepared for New SAT
Part B Movie-Mona Lisa Smile
Part C For-Profit College:Costly Lesson
Part D Commentary-Andys Geography Lesson
Part E Presentation and Discussion
Unit Six Economy
Part A News-Can America Compete with Chinas New Economy
Part B Movie-Wall Street
Part C Interview-Greenspan Defends Low Interest Rates
Part D Commentary-Andy at the Auto Show
Part E Presentation and Discussion
Unit Seven Success
Part A News-Young from the Aisles to the Stage
Part B Movie-Forrest Gump
Part C Interview-My Work Ethic Is“Sickening”
Part D Commentary-If I Were Rich
Part E Presentation and Discussion
Unit Eight Political Figures
Part A News-Bill Clintons Memoir
Part B Movie-The Queen
Part C Interview-Sarko the American
Part D On Being a Politician
Part E Presentation and Discussion
Unit Nine War&Weapons
Part A News-Guarding the Future
Part B Movie-Braveheart
Part C Faulty Intel Source“Curve Ball”Revealed
Part D Too Many Weapons?
Part E Presentation and Discussion
Unit Ten Crime
Part A News-ID Theft Can Haunt Victims for Years to Come
Part B Movie-The Departed
Part C Interview-Provenzano:The Phantom of Corleone
Part D Commentary-What Are We Doing in Iraq?
Part E Presentation and Discussion
Unit Eleven Gender Roles
Part A News-Glory of King
Part B Movie-The Hours
Part C Interview-Nudity No“Big Deal”for Dame Helen
Part D Commentary-Women in Advertising
Part E Presentation and Discussion
Unit Twelve Animal
Part A News-Saving the Turtle
Part B Movie-Finding Nemo
Part C Interview-The Ivory War
Part D Commentary-America Should Go Wireless
Part E Presentation and Discussion
Unit Thirteen High Tech
Part A News-High-speed Internet Service on the Flight
Part B Movie-The Core
Part C Interview-Being the First Man on The Moon
Part D Commentary-Andy RooneysPhone Dilemma
Part E Presentation and Discussion
Unit Fourteen Terrorism
Part A News-London Olympic Jubilation Turns to Horror
Part B Movie- World Trade Center
Part C Interview-The Dust at Ground Zero
Part D Commentary-North KoreasNukes
Part E Presentation and Discussion
Unit Fifteen Religion
Part A News-"Da Vinci”Film Causes Controversy
Part B Movie-Da Vinci Code
Part C Interview-The Stone Box and Jesus Brothers Bones
Part D Commentary-Global Papal News
Part E Presentation and Discussion
