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定 价:¥29.00

作 者: 张九明,曾昭春,滕海 总主编
出版社: 清华大学出版社
丛编项: 新高职综合英语教程
标 签: 高职高专


ISBN: 9787302182894 出版时间: 2008-09-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 195 字数:  






Unit 1 Charming of Music
PartⅠ Listening and Speaking
PartⅡ Reading Activities
 Section A Detailed Reading
   Passage 1 Stay for the Music
 Section B Reading Skills
 Using Context Clues for Word Meanings (1)
Passage 2 The Red Mahogany Piano
 PartⅢ Integrated Skills
  Section A Writing Skills
 Giving Examples (1)——True Examples
  Section B Practical English
Unit 2 Surfing the Internet
PartⅠ Listening and Speaking
PartⅡ Reading Activities
  Section A Detailed Reading
 Passage 1 Mother's Mad About the Internuts
  Section B Reading Skills
 Using Context Clues for Word Meanings (2)
 Passage 2 Senior Surfers
 PartⅢ Integrated Skills
  Section A Writing Skills
 Giving Examples (2) -Assumed Examples
  Section B Practical English
Uint 3 Love of Parents
PartⅠ Listening and Speaking
PartⅡ Reading Activities
  Section A Detailed Reading
 Passage 1 He Never Missed a Game
  Section B Reading Skills
 Reading Beyond the Lines
 Passage 2 Mom with Me Always
 PartⅢ Integrated Skills
  Section A Writing Skills
 Giving Examples (3)——Famous Persons
  Section B Practical English
 Notarized Certificate(公证书)
Unit 4 A Glinpse of Anerican Culture
PartⅠ Listening and Speaking
PartⅡ Reading Activities
  Section A Detailed Reading
 Passage 1 Hollywood
  Section B Reading Skills
 Reading for Implied Meanings
 Passage 2 The Disney Company
 PartⅢ Integrated Skills
  Section A Writing Skills
 Giving Facts (1)——Statistics
  Section B Practical English
 Product Manual
Unit 5 Human Connection
PartⅠ Listening and Speaking
PartⅡ Reading Activities
  Section A Detailed Reading
 Passage 1 Severing the Human Connection
  Section B Reading Skills
 Understanding Figurative Language
 Passage 2 Who Saw Murder Didn't Call the Police
 PartⅢ Integrated Skills
  Section A Writing Skills
 Giving Facts (2)——Surveys
  Section B Practical English
 Welcoming Speeches (欢迎词)
Unit 6 Truth About Happiness
Unit 7 Power of Hope
Unit 8 Spirits of Olympics
Unit 9 Pleasure of Books
Unit 10 Secrets to Successful Career
New Words
Phrases and Expressions
Proper Names
