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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语大学英语互动英语1



定 价:¥19.00

作 者: 周建惠
出版社: 中国劳动社会保障出版社
丛编项: 高等职业技术院校公共课教材
标 签: 高职高专英语


ISBN: 9787504573766 出版时间: 2008-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16 页数: 158 字数:  


  《互动英语(1)》为国家级职业教育规划教材,由人力资源和社会保障部职业能力建设司推荐。《互动英语(1)》根据高等职业技术院校公共课教学要求,由人力资源和社会保障部教材办公室组织编写。《互动英语(1)》共分8个单元,分别是:Attending College;Balancing Your Life;Going to Library;Life in Spare Time;Sports on Campus;Surfing the Internet;Communication Is Everywhere;Are You Fans。《互动英语(1)》为高等职业技术院校非英语专业学生公共课教材,也可作为成人高校、本科院校举办的二级职业技术学院和民办高校的公共英语教材。




Unit 1 Attending College
Section A Getting to Know Your College
Section B Getting to Know Each Other
Section C Cards
Seciton D Adapting to College Life
Unit 2 BalancingYour Life
Section A Daily Routine: Time Arrangement
Section B Pinch Pennies
Section C Student's Learning Plan
Seciton D Being the Master of Yourself
Unit 3 Going to Library
Section A Distribution of A Library
Section B Instructions for Borrowing Books
Section C Library Resources
Seciton D Do You Want An E-book
Unit 4 Life in Spare Time
Section A Spare Time Activities
Section B Hobby
Section C Student's Clubs
Seciton D Balance Your Spare Time Life
Unit 5 Sports on Campus
Section A Popular Sports and Games
Section B My Favorite Sport
Section C Enrolling for Sports Meet
Seciton D Benefiting from Sports
Unit 6 Surfing the Internet
Section A Applying for An Account of MSN and E-mail
Section B Online Shopping Mall
Section C A New Learning Style
Seciton D Cognition of IAD
Unit 7 Communication Is Everywhere
Section A What Make Us Closer
Section B Do You Like Communicating by Phone
Section C Communication Is Everywhere
Seciton D We Can Have Effective Communication
Unit 8 Are You Fans
Section A Stars and Fans
Section B Favorite Star
Section C Posters
Seciton D A Proper Fan
Vocabulary (词汇表)
