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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语职业、行业英语保险专业英语:西方保险学基础理论与实务



定 价:¥29.00

作 者: 陈庆柏、王景仙
出版社: 对外经济贸易大学出版社
丛编项: 商务专业英语系列丛书
标 签: 商务英语


ISBN: 9787811341492 出版时间: 2008-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 302 字数:  




  陈庆柏,教授,1965年毕业于对外经济贸易大学外语系。1980-1981,1986年分别在美国斯坦福大学法学院和英国伦敦大学经济学院研修商法与世界经济。1993年曾以客座教授身份在英国艾克斯讲学并进一步研修国际商法。 主要著作有:《英国商业诉讼》(美国旧金山翻译公司)、《外贸英语手册》(商务印书馆)、《金融英语阅读》、《英汉双解法律词典》、《金融函电与对话》、《英汉双解商业词典》、《商务英语对话》(世界图书出版公司)、《涉外法律英语》(法律出版社)、《外国银行法》、《国际贸易》(北京语言大学出版社)、《基础金融英语》(开明文教育音像出版社)和《证券英语》(机械工业出版社)。


Part I Theories
 Chapter 1 Basic Concepts Relating to Insurance
  Supplementary Reading 1 Perils Insured Against
  Supplementary Reading 2 American Insurance Industry
 Chapter 2 Definitions of Insurance
  Supplementary Reading 1 Auto Insurance
  Supplementary Reading 2 No-Fault Insurance in the U.S.
 Chapter 3 Historical Development of Insurance
  Supplementary Reading Historical Development of Insurance in the U.S.
 Chapter 4 Social Functions of Insurance Supplementary Reading How AFLAC Laid a Golden Egg in Japan
 Chapter 5 Legal Principles of Insurance
  Supplementary Reading On Insurable Interest
 Chapter 6 Categorization of Insurance 1 -- In the U. K. (A)
  Supplementary Reading Accident Insurance
 Chapter 7 Categorization of Insurance 2 -- In the U. K. (B)
  Supplementary Reading Maritime Perils & Maritime Adventure
 Chapter 8 Categorization of Insurance 3 -- In the U.S. (A)
  Supplementary Reading New Lease on Life
 Chapter 9 Categorization of Insurance 4 -- In the U S. (B)
  Supplementary Reading Variable Life Insurance Variables
 Chapter 10 Insurance Organizations 1 -- In the U. S
  Supplementary Reading The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) of the United States
 Chapter 11 Insurance Organizations 2 -- In the U. K
  Supplementary Reading The Woes of Lloyd's of London
Part II Practices
 Chapter 12 Other Important Persons Heavily Involved in Insurance Business
  Supplementary Reading A Dialogue about the Differences between Insurance Agent and Insurance Broker
 Chapter 13 Insurance Documents 1
  Supplementary Reading Stop Picking Holes in America's Social Safety Net
 Chapter 14 Insurance Documents 2
  Supplementary Reading Insurance Contract in the Eyes of Americans
 Chapter 15 Insurance Documents 3
  Supplementary Reading A Letter in Reply to a Customer Requesting Interpretation of Revised Insurance Clauses
 Chapter 16 Premium of Insurance
  Supplementary Reading 1 A New Way to Squeeze the Weak?
  Supplementary Reading 2 Factors Affecting Premium Determination
 Chapter 17 Insurance Claims 1
  Supplementary Reading An Earthquake in Insurance
 Chapter 18 Insurance Claims 2
  Supplementary Reading The French Lesson in Health Care
 Chapter 19 Selection of Policies and Insurers
  Supplementary Reading Alternative Insurance
 Chapter 20 Insurapnce Marketing
  Supplementary Reading 1 US Banks Stake out Insurance Battlefield
  Supplementary Reading 2 Swiss Life to Acquire AWD for 1.16 bn in Fresh Strategic Shift
 Chapter 21 Insurance Management 1
  Supplementary Reading 1 The President of a Giant Insurance
  Supplementary Reading 2 Insurance Strategies
 Chapter 22 Insurance Management 2
  Supplementary Reading The High Price of Free Insurance
 Chapter 23 Insurance Regulation 1 -- In the U. S.
  Supplementary Reading 1 What Business Methods Used by Insurers Are Regulated?
  Supplementary Reading 2 Malcom V. Farmers New World Life Insurance Co. ( Case Study)
 Chapter 24 Insurance Regulation 2 -- In the U.K.
  Supplementary Reading Two Thumbs up
 Chapter 25 Insurance Training and Education -- In the U. S.
  Supplementary Reading Gnu Surprise
 Chapter 26 New Trends in Insurance Industry
  Supplementary Reading 1 Hurricane Ahead, But Lower Insurance
  Supplementary Reading 2 Testing the Waters
Appendix Glossary of Key Insurance Terms
Major References
