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当前位置: 首页出版图书经济管理经济财政、金融财政税收中国公共财政(英文版)



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作 者: 楼继伟
出版社: 外文出版社
丛编项: 聚焦中国
标 签: 文化教育


ISBN: 9787119049472 出版时间: 2008-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16 页数: 170 字数:  


  Public finance is not only an important topic in the study of theories of finance, it is also closely related to the reform and development of finance in practice. When China started to reform its economic system some three decades ago, the concept of public finance was put forward to serve the establishment of a new financial operating model that could fulfill the requirements of the emerging socialist market economy. The major functions of public finance are those of fiscal revenue, financial expenditure and the regulation and control of finance.




Chapter 1 Fiscal Revenue
Section 1 Classification of Fiscal Revenue
Section 2 Current Tax System in China
Section 3 The Current Financial Administration System -- Revenue-sharing Scheme
Section 4 Reform of Tax System in China
Chapter 2 Financial Expenditure
Section 1 Classification of Financial Expenditure
Section 2 Changes in the Structure of Financial Expenditure
Section 3 Optimizing Expenditure Structure in Line with the Requirements of Public Finance
Chapter 3 Function of Regulation and Control
Section 1 A Moderately Tight Fiscal Policy
Section 2 Proactive Fiscal Policy
Section 3 Robust Fiscal Policy
Section 4 Coordination of Fiscal and Monetary Policies
Chapter 4 Revenue Management
Section 1 System of Revenue Management
Section 2 Management of Tax Collection
Section 3 Tax Expenditure Management
Chapter 5 Budget Management
Section 1 Composition and Principles of Government Budget
Section 2 Budgeting Rules
Section 3 Zero-Base Budgeting
Section 4 Performance Budgeting
Section 5 Budget Execution
Section 6 Government Final Accounts
Chapter 6 Reform of the Budget Management System
Section 1 Deepening Reform of "Separated Management of Revenue and Expenditure"
Section 2 Departmental Budget Reform
Section 3 Reform of State Treasury Management System
Chapter 7 Management Based on the Rule of Law
Section 1 Overview of Public Finance Based on the Rule of Law
Section 2 Legislation Regarding Finance
Section 3 Public Finance Law Enforcement
Section 4 Administrative Review Concerning Public Finance
Chapter 8 Supervision
Section 1 Accounting Management
Section 2 Financial Supervision
Chapter 9 Risk Management
Section 1 Causes of Financial Risks
Section 2 Prevention of Financial Risks
Section 3 Establishment of a Financial Emergency Mechanism
