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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语大学英语应用英语教程(第2册)



定 价:¥27.00

作 者: 段慧业
出版社: 华中科技大学出版社
丛编项: 21世纪高职高专英语系列规划教材
标 签: 高职高专英语


ISBN: 9787560948508 出版时间: 2008-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 页数: 260 字数:  






Unit 1
Listening & Speaking
Intensive Reading
Text A What Is a Great Book?
Extensive Reading
Text B Sports in Britain
Text C Guidelines for Giving Presentations
Applied Writing语法的应用
Unit 2
Listening & Speaking
Intensive Reading
Text A Fifty Years of Love
Extensive Reading
Text B Turning in Your Assignment on Time
Text C The Best Years of Your Life
Applied Writing应用文应试技巧
Unit 3
Listening & Speaking
Intensive Reading
Text A A Gift for Mother’s Day
Extensive Reading
Text B How to Make Your Holidavs
Text C Types of Transitions
Applied Writing备忘录
Unit 4
Listening & Speaking
Intensive Reading
Text A Influencing the Younger Generation
Grammar名词性从句(The Noun C1ause)
Extensive Reading
Text B Thought for the Day
Text C Youth
Applied Writing通知的类型及写作
Unit 5
Listening & Speaking
Intensive Reading
Text A A World without Oil
Grammar定语从句(The Attributive C1ause)
Extensive Reading
Text B Energy of Thoughts
Text C Global Warming May Be Twice as Bad as Feared
Applied Writing广告
Unit 6
Listening & Speaking
Intensive Reading
Text A New World under thP SPa
Grammar状语从句(The Adverbial Clause)
Extensive Reading
Text B Leap Second
Text C Weddings in the United States
Applied Writing求职简历
Unit 7
Listening & Speaking
Intensive Reading
Text A Effects of Music on Animals
Grammar倒装句(The Inverted Sentence)
Extensive Reading
Text B Prometheus
Text C Music of the Ancients
Applied Writing英文自传
Unit 8
Listening & Speaking
Intensive Reading
Text A Transport and Trade
Grammar否定(The Negative Structure)
Extensive Reading
Text B A Doctor’s Story
Text C Advantages and Disadvantages of Nuclear Energy
Applied Writing图表
Unit 9
Listening & Speaking
Intensive Reading
Text A Avian 1nfltlenza(Bird Flu)
Grammar虚拟语气(The Subjunctive Mood)
Extensive Reading
Text B Respecting Our Differences and Working Together
Text C To Save a Life
Applied Writing图表作文(一)
Unit 10
Listening & Speaking
Intensive Reading
Text A Sustainability Today
Grammar It的用法(The Usage of It)
Extensive Reading
Text B A Boy’s Heartsong
Text C The Gettysburg AddressBy Abraham Lincoln
Applied Writing图表作文(二)
