a bachelor girl未婚职业妇女
a blind alley前途黯淡,死胡同
above board光明正大的
a chance in a million极小的机会
a clock-watcher老看钟点等下班的人
a dog in the manger占着茅坑不拉屎的人
a fly in the ointment一粒鼠粪搅坏一锅汤,美中不足
a give-and-take attitude互谅互让的态度
a hard nut to crack棘手的问题,难对付的人
a labor of love心甘情愿而做的工作
a leg-up扶持,助一臂之力
a little bird told me自然知道,我不清楚怎么知道的
a pawn in the game无名小卒
a piece of cake轻松容易的事情
a rain check下一次机会,补偿
a square peg in a round hole格格不入
a vote of thanks公开致谢
a work addid工作狂
accidentally on purpose貌似偶然,实则有意
odd fuel to the flames火上浇油,雪上加霜
address oneself to专心从事
airs and graces盛气凌人
all and sundry所有的人,每一个人
alI in a day's work分内的工作,不客气,应该做的
alI thumbs笨手笨脚的
answer a call of nature上洗手闻
around the clock日夜不停地,连轴转
at loose ends无所事事
at the wheeI开车
back down on放弃
back to the grind done回去工作
bat the breeze闲扯
be as broad as if is long背着抱着一样沉,半斤八两
be asleep at the switch玩忽职守
be at odds with与……不合,与……发生矛盾
be cut out for天生适合于
be dead on one'S feet比喻筋疲力尽
be done for不中用的,完结的,累坏的
be in hot wefer遇到麻烦
be in line for something即将得到某物
be in the know熟知内幕的,知晓内情的
be keyed up十分紧张
be on the balI精明能干的
be snowed under工作过多忙不过来,超负荷
be swamped with work有一大堆工作要做
bewrapped up in专心致志于,与……有关(或有牵连)
beef up加强,增加,充实
behind someone's back在……的背后,背着
bet one,s bottom dollar确信无疑
between you and me你知我知,私下里说
big noise重要新闻
bleed someone white榨干血汗
blow a fuse勃然大怒
blow one's C00I沉不住气,失去自制
beat out of the iob当场解雇某人
break one'S back辛勤工作……
brown off沮丧,生气,厌烦……
brush up复习,温习……
bulI session碰头会,小组会
burn one'S fingers因管闲事而自讨苦吃
burn the midnight oil开夜车,学习或工作到深夜
butter someone up奉承某人,巴结某人
by hook or by crook千方百计地,不择手段地
by no stretch of imagination怎么也想不到
call it a day收工
calI n quits作罢
can't beat something with a stick最佳安排,十全十美
can't make head or tail of弄不清,不理解
car pool合伙用车
castles in Spain白日做梦,空中楼阁
chalk up记下某人的成功
chance the ducks好歹试一试
charm up哄诱
clock in(on)/off上/下班
coffee and cakes微薄的收入
coin it in大发其财,大把大把赚钱
come through/off with flying colors干得出色,大获成功
come to a head关键时刻
come up in the world身价提高
couch potatoes总待在家里看电视的人
count the cost权衡得失
cream puff车况好的二手车
cut one's coat according to one'S cloth量入为出
cut the knots快刀斩乱麻
dance affendance on someone奉承某人,向某人献殷勤
dead to the wodd沉睡不醒
dish the dirt说三道四
do somebody in搞垮,使累坏
do someone proud殷勤招待
do something by halves半途而废,做事不彻底
do the bidding of遵……之命,照……的旨意
do the diny on卑鄙地对待
doggie beg装剩余食物的袋子
donkey work苦活,单调乏味的苦差
door to door挨家挨户
dos and don'ts守则,规则,须知
dry as a bone非常干燥
earn one's bread挣钱养家糊口,维持生计
earn one'S keep维持生计
easier said than done说时容易做时难
end up结束
face the music面对现实,承担后果
fall asleep at the switch玩忽职守
fall to one's Iat/shoes成为某人的职责
fan the flames火上加油,煽动情绪
fast buck不义之财
feeI in one'S bones that十分确信
fight the clock争分夺秒,与时间赛跑
filI the gap弥补不足,填补空白
first things first先说重要的
fiat out竭尽全力,坦率地,疲惫地
fly high地位晋升
fooI around乱搞男女关系,鬼混
freeze one'S blood使某人处于惊恐状态
get a kick out of从……中得到乐趣
get a rise out of得到……强烈的反应
get hot underthe collar发怒,怒气冲天
get mad生气,恼火
get one'S cards被解雇,被炒鱿鱼
get one'S cheese如愿以偿
get someone's back up惹人生气
get someone'S goat惹某人生气
get the bag被解雇
get the boot被解雇,被开除
get the green light得到批准
gel fhe hang of something掌握做某事的窍门
get the sack解雇
get to the boflom of触及……的实质,弄清……的根由
get wind of听到风声,得到消息
give a shot(try something that is new)试试看
give sb.a break再给某人一次机会
give somebody a free hand给某人行动自由,听其自行处置
give someone a buzz给某人挂个电话
give someone a tumble给予重视
give someone a wide berth回避.敬而远之
give someone his heed由某人自由处理
go about(do)做,从事
go by the book严格照章办事
go down fhe drain把钱白白浪费掉
go downhill走下坡路,逐渐变坏
gp to extremes走极端
go to someone's head冲昏头脑
go with一起,相配,跟……谈恋爱
goof around消磨时光,漫不经心
grease/oil someone'S palm贿赂(某人)
quess what你猜怎么着
hands are tied权力有限
hang up one's boots退休
harp on the same old string唠唠叨叨,老调重弹
hate one'S guts对……恨之入骨
have(a case of)the lilters忐忑不安,神经紧张
have a bag iob on...偷盗某人的物品
have a ball at one'S feet有可能成功的有利条件
have a good mind to do something很想去干某事
have a short temper脾气暴躁
have an axe to grind私心,个人企图
have broad shoulders能担负重任
have one'S heed in the clouds满脑子幻想
have one'S eye on看上,留意,想要
have one'S moments春风得意之时,某人最辉煌的时候
have something at head热心于某事
have something at one's finger tips彻底了解
have something on the brain着迷于
have the face to do怎么敢做
hove the world before one前途远大
have words with与……吵嘴
heeds are going to roll陷入困境,有麻烦
hide one's light under a bushel不露锋芒,过分谦逊
high and mighty傲慢的,高傲的
hit someone when he|she's down露井下石,打落水狗
hit the fan突然陷入困境,突然遇到麻烦
hit the nail on the head说到点子上
hit the sack就寝,睡个够
hold one'S tongue缄默,不开口
hold someone's hand给(某人)以道义上的支持
hold the beby干苦差事
hold the bag背黑锅
huff and puff咆哮,恼怒L
hit someone when he|she's down露井下石,打落水狗
hit the fan突然陷入困境,突然遇到麻烦
hit the nail on the head说到点子上
hit the sack就寝,睡个够
hold one'S tongue缄默,不开口
hold someone's hand给(某人)以道义上的支持
hold the beby干苦差事
hold the bag背黑锅
huff and puff咆哮,恼怒L
hit someone when he|she's down露井下石,打落水狗
hit the fan突然陷入困境,突然遇到麻烦
hit the nail on the head说到点子上
hit the sack就寝,睡个够
hold one'S tongue缄默,不开口
hold someone's hand给(某人)以道义上的支持
hold the beby干苦差事
hold the bag背黑锅
huff and puff咆哮,恼怒