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定 价:¥28.00

作 者: 吴凤仙
出版社: 武汉大学出版社
丛编项: 21世纪高校双语教学丛书
标 签: 其他读物


ISBN: 9787307064515 出版时间: 2008-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16 页数: 216 字数:  


  进入21世纪,我国的制造业高度发达,制造技术不断提高,模具行业也在飞速发展,先进的模具设计和模具制造技术标志着中国已跻身世界前列,成为制造业大国。随着模具制造行业的不断发展壮大,我国与国外大型知名企业的业务交往以及大量的模具技术设备的引进也随之增多,模具专业英语的应用也越来越广泛。对于模具专业的大中专学生和从事模具设计以及模具制造业的工程技术人员来说,熟练掌握该行业的英语技能是非常必要的。为满足中国制造业的快速发展,模具制造行业实现技术技能创新的迫切要求,我们组织编写了《模具英语》教材,以培养大批不仅要掌握先进的模具技术,而且要具备过硬的专业英语能力的高素质、复合型人才。本教材是一本模具专业基础知识的英语教科书,全书共10个单元,介绍了冷冲压模具、冲裁工艺、冲裁模具的设计、弯曲、拉伸、冷挤压以及其他冷冲压成形工艺,塑料模、模具基本结构、特种加工和现代模具制造等方面的知识。学生在具备了多年扎实的英语知识和一定数量的模具专业知识的基础上,通过对该教材的学习能够获得模具专业英语阅读理解能力,从而加深对模具专业知识的理解。 本书编写特点: 1.内容具有实用性和先进性。介绍了模具技术领域的最新技术和知识。 2.图文并茂。大多数单元都配有与内容相关的插图,即通过文中图例便可直观地理解各段文章大意,有利于专业英语的学习。3.每篇课文后附有相关生词,并注出读音便于学生正确的朗读。4.每个单元配有相应的练习,题型多样,且专业性强。5.每篇课文后有注释和句子结构分析,书后有参考译文及习题参考答案,有利于学生掌握和巩固所学知识。




Unit 1 Cold Stamping Mould
Lesson 1 Basic Concept of Cold Stamping
Lesson 2 The Classification of the Cold Stamping Process
Lesson 3 The Classification of the Mould and Structure
Lesson 4 Conventional Stamping Materials
Lesson 5 Prospects for the New-type Stamping Materials
Lesson 6 Common Materials for Stamping Dies
Unit 2 Design for Punching Process and Die
Lesson 1 Punching Basic Conception
Lesson 2 Design for Mould Structure
Unit 3 Bending
Lesson 1 Bending Types
Lesson 2 The Springback of the Bending Parts
Lesson 3 The Process of Bending Parts
Lesson 4 Measures of Improving Bending Workpiece Quality
Lesson 5 Bending Methods
Unit 4 Drawing
Lesson 1 Drawing Conception
Lesson 2 The Main Problems in Drawing Process
Lesson 3 Drawing Coefficient and Definition of Limit Drawing Coefficient
Unit 5 Cold Extrusion
Lesson 1 Introduction to Cold Extrusion
Lesson 2 Characteristic and Application of Cold Extrusion
Lesson 3 Classification of Cold Extrusion Method
Lesson 4 Die Design for Cold Extrusion
Unit 6 Cold Stamping Forming Processes
Lesson 1 Embossing Forming Process
Lesson 2 Bulging of Cylindrical Hollow Blanks
Lesson 3 Flattening and Sizing Process
Lesson 4 Stamping Forming Process
Unit 7 Plastics Moulds
Lesson 1 Introduction to Plastics and Plastics Products
Lesson 2 The Properties and Application of Plastics
Lesson 3 Molding Process Properties of Plastics
Lesson 4 Injection Moulds
Unit 8 Basic Structure of Mould
Lesson 1 Feed System
Lesson 2 Sprue Bush and Register Ring
Lesson 3 Gate and Types of Gate
Lesson 4 Mould Cavities and Cores
Lesson 5 Sliding Splits and Angle-lift Splits
Lesson 6 Ejection
Unit 9 Non-conventional Machining
Lesson 1 Electrical Discharge Machining
Lesson 2 Electro-deposition
Lesson 3 Computer-aided Manufacture
Unit 10 Modern Mould Manufacturing
Lesson 1 Ftmdamentals of NC Technology
Lesson 2 NC Machine
Lesson 3 Machining Center
Keys to the Exercises
