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当前位置: 首页出版图书人文社科历史风俗习惯民间砖雕(英)



定 价:¥98.00

作 者: 蓝先琳 编著,金绍卿 译
出版社: 外文出版社
丛编项: 中国民间文化遗产
标 签: 民间艺术


ISBN: 9787119046723 出版时间: 2008-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 136 字数:  


  brick carving is a special genre of art extensivel2 applied in architectural decor, especially of the traditional type. based on bricks, pottery and th art of stone carving, the form is traced back to the spring and autumn period (770-221 bc). with its distinct national overtones, the art has gathered for itself a significant niche in the histo f carving and sculpture. ollected in this book are more than 200 beautiful pictures covering a full range of topicality such as carving on screen walls, windows and doors, eaves and rooftops, as well as stucco sculpture and glazed bricks, exuding great artistic appeal. the book, prefaced by a treatise, is designed as part of the efforts to pass on and advance china's tradition, culture, and may also serve as a reference for artists and designers.




Screen Wall brick Carving
Detached Screen Wall
Wall-attached Screen Wall
Door and Winclow brick Carving
Door Brick Carving
Window Brick Carving
Openwork Brick Carving
Wall-face brick Carving
Eave-wall Brick Carving
Front-porch Wall Brick Carving
Courtyard-wall Brick Carving
Gable Wall Brick Carving
Root:top Brick Carving/99
Main Ridge Brick Carving
Sloping Ridge Brick Carving
Stucco sculpture
