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定 价:¥25.50

作 者: 贾柱立
出版社: 天津大学出版社
丛编项: 卓越系列
标 签: 商务英语


ISBN: 9787561827963 出版时间: 2008-09-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 254 字数:  






第1章 个人简历Resumes
1.1 个人简历概述Introduction of the Resume
1.2 简历的几种常见形式Common Forms of the Resume
1.3 个人简历例文Samples of the Resume
1.4 参考例句Sample Sentences for Reference
1.5 其他有用词汇Useful Terms
1.6 写作实践Writing Practice
第2章 求职信Application Letters
2.1 求职信概述Introduction of Application Letters
2.2 网上求职Hunting for a Job on the Internet
2.3 求职信例文Samples of Application Letters
2.4 求职信常用语Expressions of Application Letters
2.5 求职信参考用语Reference Expressions of Application Letters
2.6 写作实践Writing Practice
第3章 通知、通告、海报Announcement,Notice and Poster
3.1 通知Announcement
3.2 通告Notice
3.3 海报Poster
3.4 常用词汇和语句Common Vocabulary and Sentences
3.5 写作实践Writing Practice
第4章 启事、证明、借条和收据 Notice,Certificate/ldentification,Receipt for a Loan(IOU)and Receipt
4.1 启事Notice
4.2 证明 Certificate/Identification
4.3 借条和收据Receipt for a Loan(I0U)and Receipt
4.4 写作实践Wri ring Practice
第5章 建议信、传真、电子邮件Letters of Suggestion,Fax and E—mail
5.1 建议信Letters of Suggestion
5.2 传真Fax
5.3 电子邮件E—mail
5.4 商务邮件用语Business E—mail Terms
5.5 写作实践Writing Practice
第6章 备忘录、便条、请假条、请柬Memorandums,Notes,Written Request for Leave,Invitation Cards
6.1 备忘录Memorandums
6.2 便条Notes
6.3 请假条Written Request for Leave
6.4 请柬Invitation Cards
6.5 写作实践Writing Practice
第7章 报告、会议记录、纪要与活动安排Reports,Minutes of Meetings and Activity Schedules
7.1 报告Reports
7.2 会议记录、纪要Minutes of Meetings
7.3 活动安排Activity Schedules
7.4 写作实践Writing Practice
第8章 商务信函——概述Business Correspondence--Introduction
8.1 商务信函概述 Introduction of Business Correspondence
8.2 商务信函写作规则 Regulations of Business correspondence
8.3 商务信函应该注意的几个问题Precautions of Business Correspondence
8.4 写作实践Writing Practice
第9章 商务信函——常用语言结构Business Correspondence--Common Structures
9.1 商务信函常用语言结构The Common Structures of Business Correspondence
9.2 商务信函常用开头语、建立商务关系用语The Prologue,Useful Sentences of Establishing Business Relationship
9.3 写作实践Writing Practice
第10章 商务信函——询盘Business Correspondence--Inquiry
10.1 询盘函Correspondence of Inquiry
10.2 常用词汇和语句Common Vocabulary and Sentences
10.3 写作实践Writing Practice
第11章 商务信函——报盘Business Correspondence--Offer
11.1 报盘函Correspondence 0f Offer
11.2 常用词汇和语句Common Vocabulary and Sentences
11.3 写作实践Writing Practice
第12章 商务信函——还盘 Business CorrespondencemCounteroffer
12.1 还盘与接受Counteroffer and Acceptance
12.2 常用词汇和语句Common Vocabulary and Sentences
12.3 写作实践Writing Practice
第13章 商务信函——建立商务关系Business Correspondence--Establishing Business Relationship
13.1 推销产品函Letters of Promoting the Sale of Products
13.2 推销产品函例文Samples of Letters of Promoting the Sale of Products
13.3 商务信函邀请与答复 Invitation and Reply of Business correspondence
13.4 商务信函邀请与答复例文Samples of Invitation and Reply of Business Correspondence
13.5 价格争议用语Useful Sentences On Price
13.6 写作实践Writing Practice
第14章 商务信函——订购与确认 Business Correspondence--Orders and Confirmation
14.1 订购与确认Orders and Confirmation
14.2 订购与确认例文Samples of Orders and Confirmation
14.3 销售确认书样本(一) Sample of Sales Confirmation(I)
14.4 销售确认书样本(二)Sample of Sales Confirmation(II)
14.5 订购术语Terms of Orders
14.6 常用英语订购用语Sentences for Orders
14.7 折扣的表达Expressions for Discount
14.8 确认的表达Expressions for Confirmation
14.9 写作实践Writing Practice
参考译文与答案Reference Answers
