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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术工业技术一般工业技术共轭曲面原理及其应用:陈志新论文集



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作 者: 陈志新
出版社: 中国科学技术出版社
标 签: 一般工业技术


ISBN: 9787504651549 出版时间: 2008-05-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 594 字数:  






第一部分 中文论文
第二部分 英文论文
 On Theory of Conjugate Surfaces
--Proceedings of World Symposium on Gears and Gear Transmissions,
Dubrovnik-Kupari, Yugoslavia, 1978
 Boundary Curves, Singular Solutions, Complementary Conjugate Surfaces and Conjugation  Analysis in Theory of Conjugate Surfaces
--Proceedings of the Fifth World Congress on Theory of Machines
and Mechanisms, Montreal, Canada, 1979
 Application of the Theory of Conjugate Surfaces in Mechanisms Design:
Part 1 General Concepts
--ASME Pamphlet 80-DET-29,1980
 Tooth Form of Pk Conjugation--A New Design Concept for Gear Tooth Form
--Proceedings of International Symposium on Gearing & Power
Transmissions, Tokyo, Japan, 1981
 Contact Pattern and Transmission Quality Analysis of Point Contact Conjugation With One Degree-of-Freedom
--ASME Pamphlet 82-DET-107 ,ASME Journal of Mechanisms,
Transmissions, and Automation in Design, Vol. 105,1983
 Formula of Reduced Curvature of Two Conjugate Surfaces With Conjugate Motions of Two Degrees of Freedom
--Proceedings of the Sixth World Congress on Theory of Machines and
Mechanisms, New Delhi, India, 1983
 Roller Analogy for Evaluating Gear-Lubrication
--A General Analytical Approach
--Proceedings of the JSLE International Tribology Conference,
Tokyo, Japan, 1985
 Applications of Algebra of Rotations in Robot Kinematics
--Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 22, No. 1,1987
 Analysis of Dynamic Loads on Gear Teeth By Conjugate-Elasto-Dynamics (CED)
--ASME Journal of Mechanisms, Transmissions, and Automation in Design, Vol. 110,1988
 Integration of Infinitesimal Rotations and Rotational (Intrinsic) Mode for Expressing Rigid-Body Motion
--Trends and Developments In Mechanisms, Machines ,and Robotics
1988, Vol. 2, ASME Publication DE-~ol. 15-2, New York, 1988
 Application of Complementary Conjugate Surface in Surface Generation
--Proceedings of Manufacturing International '90, Atlanta, Vol. 4,1990
 Calculus of Rotations and Its Applications in Engineering Design
--Proceedings of Design Productivity International Conference
1991, Hawaii, Vol. 1,1991
 Motion Representation:Different Conventional Forms, Duplex Mapping and Conjugation Form
--Flexible Mechanisms, Dynamics, and Analysis, ASME Publication
DE-Vol. 47,1992. ( Co-author Chen, H. J)
 A General Formula for Determining the Normal to the Path of Contact in Parallel-Axis Gearing
--Proceedings of International Power Transmission and Gearing
Conference 1992, ASME Publication DE-Vol. 43-2, Vol. 2, 1992
 Theory of Conjugate Surfaces as a Scientific Base for Developing an Innovative Solid Modefing
--Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on CAD/CAM,
Robotics and Factories of the Future, New Jersey, 1993
 A Surface Interpolation Scheme Based on the Theory of Conjugate Surfaces
--Proceedings of ASME Computers in Engineering 1994, Vol. 2,1994
 d. o. f. of Equivalent Conjugate Motion Between Two Bodies in A Mechanical System
--Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 29, No. 8,1994
 A Formula for Determining Limit Non-Interference Curvature in Pure Rolling
Conjugation Gears By Using Geometro-Kinematical Concepts
--ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, Vol. 117,1995
 Geometro-Kinematical Analysis of Multi-Point-Conjugation Joint
--Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 32, No. 5,1997
 Conjugation Form of Motion Representation And Its Conversion Formulas
--Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 32, No. 6,1997
 Motion Interpolation Based on Rotation-Of-Vector Methodology and
 Its Application in Nc Machining
--The International Journal for Manufacturing Science &
Production, Vol. 1, No. 3,1998
 Interdependencies Between Contact Traces in A Multi-Point Conjugation Joint
--Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 35, No. 5,2000
 Kinemato-Geometrical Methodology for Analyzing Curvature and Torsion of Trajectory Curve and Its Applications
--Mechanism and Machine Theory ,Vol. 37, No. 1,2002
 Line Conjugation Ruled Surfaces for Representation of Instantaneous Conjugate Motion of One d. o. f. --Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 37, No. 10,2002
 Conjugate Motion Analysis and Its Application in Human and Animal' s Multi-Point Conjugation Joints
--Proceedings of 2003 Summer Bioengineering Conference, Florida ,2003 ( Co-author Chen, H. J)
 Two Basic Features of Instantaneous Conjugate Motion and Their Importance in Facilitating Motion Analysis
 Formulas for Computing Axode Normal and Curvatures With Derivation Based on
Fundamental Concepts of Engineering Differential Geometry
 Geometrical Way for Describing Body Motion and Equations of Relationships
Between Geometrical and Kinematical Parameters
--Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol. 41, No. 3,2006
 Geodesic Relative Curvature of Instantaneous Conjugation Curve on Base surface
and Geometrical Differentials of Third Order
--Mechanism and Machine Theory ,Vol. 43, No. 1,2008
第三部分 附录
