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定 价:¥28.00

作 者: 浩瀚 主编
出版社: 机械工业出版社
丛编项: 商务即用英语全攻略丛书
标 签: 商务英语


ISBN: 9787111230144 出版时间: 2009-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 32开 页数: 204 字数:  






Part Ⅰ On Office 办公室篇
Chapter1 Background Information背景介绍
Unit l Reception接待来宾
Unit 2 0ffice Work办公室工作
Unit 3 Sending and Receivinga Fax收发传真
Unit 4 Making and Receiving a Phone Call打电话和Z电话
Unit 5 Arrangement安排
Unit 6 Making an Appointment约见
Chapter2 Job 工作
Background Information背景介绍
Unit l Job Wanted招聘
Unit 2 Job Hunting求职
Unit 3 Job Interview面试
Unit 4 Resign辞职
Part Ⅱ On Business Relationship 商务公关篇
Chapter1 Preparation开始接触
Background Information背景介绍
Unit l Pay a Visit to Customer拜访客户
Unit 2 Introduce介绍
Unit 3 Arranging Time安排时间
Unit 4 Reception接待
Unit 5 Accommodation 招待吃饭
Chapter2 Course深入了解
Background Information背景介绍
Unit 1 Visiting a Factory参观工厂
Unit 2 Describing Products描述产品
Unit 3 Establishing Business Relations建立业务
Chapter3 Conference and Meeting商务会议
Background Information背景介绍
Unit 1 Preparotion准备
Unit 2 Beginning开始
Unit 3 Stating陈述
Unit 4 Being On 进行中
Unit 5 Memorandum备忘录
Chapter4 Business Trade商务谈判
Background Information 背景介绍
Unit 1 Introducing Your Proposal己方建议的提出
Unit 2 0pening the Discussion开始谈判
Unit 3 During the Negotiation 谈判进行中
Unit 4 Negotiation Related to the Legal Aspect与法规有关的谈判
Unit 5 Closing the Discussion结束谈判
Unit 6 COntract合同
