1 Introduction
1.1 The Scope of Electrochemistry
1.2 The Nature ofElectrode Reactions
1.3 Thermodynamics and Kinetics
1.4 Methods for Studying Electrode Reactions
1.5 Applications of Eleetroeheraistry
2 Introduction to the Fundamental Concepts of Electrochemistry
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Electrochemical Cells and Reactions
2.3 Electron Transfer
2.4 Mass Transport
2.5 The Interaction d Electron Transfer and Mass Transport
2.6 Coupled Chemical Reactions
2.7 Adsorption
2.8 Phase Formation
3 Kinetics of Electrode Reactions
3.1 Intnxluefon
3.2 Essentials of Electrode Reactions
3.3 Bufle-Volmer Model of Electrode Kinetics
3.4 Implications of the Butler-Volmer Model for the One-step, One-electron Process
3.5 Multistep Mechanisms
4 The Electrical Double Layer
4.1 Introduction
4.2 The Thermodynamics of Charged Interfaces
4.3 The Statute d the Electrical Double Layer
4.4 The Adsorption Isotherm
4.5 The Effect of Doubly Layer Structure on Electrode Kinetics
4.6 Experimental Methods
5 Electrodamical Experiments
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Electro& Materials
5.3 The Working Electrode: Preparation and Cleaning
5.4 The CeU: Measurements at Equilibrium
5.5 The Cell: Measurements away from Equilihrium
5.6 Calibration of Electrodes and Cells
5.7 Insmanentation: General
5.8 Analgue Instrumentation
6 Potential Sweep Techniques and Cyclic Voltammetry
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Reversible Reactions
6.3 Irreversible Systems
6.4 Coupled Homogeneous Reactions
7 Polarography and Pulse Voltammetry
8 Alternating Current Techniques
9 Corrosion
10 Bioelectrochenistry