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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术工业技术矿业工程第三届现代采矿与安全技术国际学术会议论文集



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作 者: 中国辽宁工程技术大学
出版社: 煤炭工业出版社
标 签: 矿山开采


ISBN: 9787502033163 出版时间: 2008-07-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 1098 字数:  


  《第三届现代采矿与安全技术国际学术会议论文集》所收录的论文主要围绕现代采矿技术、矿山火灾、煤尘及瓦斯防治、矿井通风新技术、矿山高温热害防治、矿山水害防治、矿山压力与岩层控制、开采沉陷控制与环境保护、矿山监测监控技术、矿山安全工程管理、安全经济学、公共安全管理、 现代矿山环保与生态复垦技术、职业健康与安全、其它相关领域等内容展开研究与探讨。




Session 1:Mining Engineering
Geological Uncertainty and Risk:Implications for the Viability of Mining Projects
Multidisciplinary Expertise Applied to Underground Coal Mining R and D Projects with
Emphasis on Adoption of Lean Automation Techniques
Seismic Monitoring of Advanced Longwall Top-Coal Caving Technology for Thick Coal Seam Extraction
at Tashan Coal Mine
Research on Water Flowing Fracture Development Features of Shallow Depth and Long-Wall Coalface
under Unconsolidated Aquifer
Induced Caving Roof Technology Applying for Continual Mining
Analysis of Major Factors Influencing Heat Accumulating Process of Loose Coal in Mine
Study on Deep Shaft Roadway Fully-Mechanized Fast Drivage Packaging Tech- nology in Complicated
Geological Conditions
Correlation between Top-Coal Press Cracking and Fracture Occurrence
Study on Microseismic Waveform Characteristic and how to Reject Interference Wave by
Monitoring in Mines
Mine Fire Detection Based on Infrared Image Processing
Qualitative Analysis on Adjacent Rock and Research on Support Method in the No.1 Mine Section Uphill
of Gequan Coal Mine
Mechanisms of Underground Water Acting on Coalbed Methane System in the Fuxin Basin
Simulation Study on Deformation-Failure of Roof on Coal Mining Overlapping Face Using Discrete Element
Application of DDA to Evaluate the Mechanism of Rock Slope Instability/Rock Fall
Research on Sublevel Coal's Failure and Displacement of Extremely Thick Seam's Mining Face
Development of MP-PAD for Monitoring Stress Change of Mine Pillar
Research on Confining Pressure Restored Reinforcement Theory and its Application
Study on the Temperature Variation in Outburst of Coal Seam
The Differential Movements of Different Research Points in the Plates
Optimization of Located Level of Semi-Stationary Crushing Station in Surface Mine
Analysis on Mechanical Properties of Bolt Support Units in Jining No.3 Coal Mine
Research Advance of Intercalation in PVC/Montmorillonite Nancomposites
Control and Simulation of the Ground Pressure Evolutional Process Based on the Reconstruction of
Mined-out Environment & Continuous Mining Method
Flotation Separation of Calcite from Apatite Using AADPA-12 as a Collector and its Mechanism
The Analysis of Stability of Surrounding Rock in Deep Mine Tunnel
Development-Strategy Research on Comprehensive Exploitation and Utilization of Coal Mine Resources
Simulating and Optimizing of Logistics System in Strip Mines
Discussion on the Countermeasures of Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Bump in Yanbei Coal Mine
Game Analysis and Countermeasures on Command Violation of Regulations in Coal-Mining Enterprises
Research on Flotation Separation of Rutile and Garnet by ATF1024
Research on the New FRP Bolt & its Application
Research on Mining Virtual Emulation System Based on Creator Software
Study on Stability of Supporting Structure for Roadway Based on FLAC3D
Numerical Simulation of Predict Bubble Generation Diameter
Application of Improved Genetic Algorithm in Mine Ore Blending
The Method of Mine Surveying and Releasing Water on Mining the Near-Neighbored Coal Seams under the Goaf
Water in Wusuotun
In Shale Refinery ATP Round Silo Warehouse Dust Explosion Mechanism and Control Technology Research
Analysis on Location of Ascending Stope Mining Roads and Section Coal Pillars Dimensions for Close
Distance Seam in 1000m-Plus Deep Mine
Simulation Experiment Research on Mining Coal in Deep Inclined Thin Coal Seam
Integrated Study on the Covered Karstic Collapse Columns in 3-2 Belt Roadway Area of Fangezhuang Mine
Dynamic Designing Study for Laneway Suspension Roof Support Based On Relia-bility
The Stress Analysis and Study on Sealing Performance of Mining Hydraulic Supporter
Feasibility Analysis of Mining Methods Under Village
Photoelastic Experimental on Stress Field of Surrounding Rock in Deep Strip Pillar Mining
Numerical Test on Instability of Rock Slope Based on RFPA-SRM
The Pilot-scale Experiment on the Compositive Utilization of Asbestos Tailing
Study on Auger Mining Application in Complex Geology Condition
Gas Unusual Gush Region Prediction Based on Geological Dynamic Division
Numerical Simulation Analysis of Bolt Supporting Function of Three-Dimensional along the Roadway in Mine
Analysis of Guiding Gas Outburst by Roof Fall and Top Coal Caving
Research on Fuzzy Solution of Cross Method for Analysis of Mine Ventilation Networks
Infrared Spectrum Analysis of Chemical Function Radicle in Coal
An Analysis of the Coal Seam Gas Reservoir Conditions and Resource Potential in the Northeast China
Session 2:Safety Engineering
Tracer Gas Measurement and Simulation of Turbulent Diffusion in Mine Ventilation Airways
Research on Dynamical Disasters Prediction in Mine Based on the Coupling Law between EME and Stress
The Application of Catastrophe Theory in the Safety Assessment of Construction
Application of Performance-Based Design Method in Mine Spontaneous Fire Safety
Session 3:Computer Applications,Mansgement,Information Engineering
Session 4:Surveying and Mapping Engineering
Session 5:Archtectural & Mechanics Engineering
Session 6:Electrical Engineering & Mechatronics
Session 7:Environmental Engineering
Session 8:The Rest
