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定 价:¥42.90

作 者: 夏玉和、李又文
出版社: 外语教学与研究出版社
丛编项: 高等学校英语专业系列教材
标 签: 英语专业


ISBN: 9787560078724 出版时间: 2008-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16 页数: 346 字数:  


  “高等学校英语专业系列教材”是一套为英语专业高年级本科生和研究生编写的教材,包括高级英语语言技能、英语专业知识和相关专业细识三个方面。本系列教材为开放式,涵盖面广,设计料学,注重时代性、知识性与实用性,有助于学习者在掌握英语技能的基础上进一步扩展知识领域,培养应用能力,提高综合素养。本书分五部分介绍澳大利亚的社会与文化,内容涵盖澳大利亚自然环境、历史变迁、移民与移民政策、原住民的历史与现状、文学艺术和语言、政治与经济体制、外交政策等各个方面,具有如下特点:由长期从事澳大利亚研究的中外学者撰写,语言地道,通俗易懂,同时又不失学术研究的深度与价值。篇首对作者和本章内容进行了简要介绍,对书中的难点进行了中文注释,方便读者自学。篇尾针对本章内容设置了思考题,引导读者自查阅读和理解的效果。 每篇均附相关著作的出版信息,并列出了有关网址,方便感兴趣的读者作进一步研究。




Introduction:Thinking and Writing about Australia
PartⅠ Living on the Land
 Chapter 1 The Natural Environment of Australia
  by JohnFien
Chapter 2 Conflicts and Controversy in the Australian Environment
  by JohnFien
Chapter 3 Ways of Living
  by James Walter
PartⅡ Australians
Chapter 4 Histories of Australia
by ChillaBulbeck
Chapter 5 Immigration and Multiculturalism:British Past and Asian Future7
by Chilla Bulbeck
Chapter 6 Aboriginal Policy and Identity
by Anna Haebich and Chilla Bulbeck
Chapter 7 Australian Men and Women:Gender Relations in Australian Institutions
by Chilla Bulbeck
PartⅢ Australian Culture
Chapter 8 Literature and the Arts
by Gillian Whitlock
 Chapter 9 Australian Popular Culture
by David Carter
 Chapter 10 Religion
byAlison Cotes
 Chapter 11 Australian Cultural and Educational Institutions…
by Mark Finnane
 Chapter 12 The Language Situation in Australia
by Du Xuezeng
PartⅣ Politics and the Economy in Australia
 Chapter 13 Politics in Australia
by JennyFleming,JoanneKellyandGeorgeLafferty
 Chapter 14 The Australian Economy:Its History,Structure and Future
by Malcolm Alexander
 Chapter 15 Citizenship and the Welfare State
by Chilla Bulbeck and Hyung Shik Kim
PartⅤ Australia in Asia
 Chapter 16 Australia and the Asia—Pacific Region
by Jacques Bierling
Appendix A:Selected Readings of Australian Literary Works
Appendix B:Australian Television Programmes
Appendix C:Brief Summaries of Some Australian Films 1975-2002
