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当前位置: 首页出版图书文学艺术艺术民间艺术民间皮影(英)



定 价:¥98.00

作 者: 魏力群 编著
出版社: 外文出版社
丛编项: 中国民间文化遗产
标 签: 民间艺术


ISBN: 9787119046709 出版时间: 2008-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 155 字数:  


  China is the hometown of the shadow play. The Chinese leather shadow play is an ancient and widespread form of folk opera art. Over the past thousand years, folk artists have been casting leather puppets' shadows on a small white curtain while singing and dancing behind it, depicting the ups and downs of the life of the Chinese people. This book has selected over 300 exquisite leather shadow-play puppets from a large number of collections, classifying them according to region and genre. Along with explaining the related terminology of the shadow play, the book also gives readers a complete appreciation of this ancient yet still impressive art form.




Shadow Play Ferformancc /19
Fuppct Designs in the Western Shadow Flag / 33
Sets / 34
Whole Puppets / 44
Puppet Heads of Dan Characters / 46
Puppet Heads ofShen8 Characters /48
Puppet Heads of/in8 Characters / 51
Puppet Heads of Chou Characters / S6
Deities and Spirits / 58
FUppet: Designs in
the Nortshern Shac]ow Play / 65
Whole Puppets / 66
Puppet Heads of Dan Characters / 84
Puppet Heads ofShen8 Characters/94
Puppet Heads oflin8 Characters / 106
Puppet Heads of (boo Characters / 114
Puppet Heads of Evil Characters / 116
Deities and Spirits / 120
Puppet Designs in the Central
anti Southern Shadow Plau / 1Z7
Whole Puppets / 128
Puppet Heads / 132
Other .Shadow
Plau Designs / 135
Auspicious Animals / 136
Furniture Designs / 140
Shadow Plags in the 196os
and 1970s /151
