ROnq Ma,Ph.D.(1987)in sociologY.Brown Universitv (USA),is Professor of Sociology, Peking University.He has Publi Shed SOme artiCles inEnglish and several books in ChineSe.HiS workS include Population and Society of力bet (Beijin9:Tongxin Press,1 996), Ethnicity and Social Development(Beijin9:Press of Nationality,200 1),APP,ied StUdies 0厂Sociology(Beijin9:Huaxia Press,2002),and Sociology of Ethnicityj Sociological Study of Ethnic Relations(Beijin9: Peking University Press,2004).His research interest has focused on ethnic relations,migration,education and rural development.He is currently organizing anational research project on“temporary migration and ethnic relations in the West of China”funded by Ministry of Education of China.