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作 者: 张华 主编
出版社: 华中科技大学出版社
标 签: 大学专业英语教材


ISBN: 9787560949291 出版时间: 2008-10-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 150 字数:  






Chapter 1 General Characteristics of Modern Power Systems
 Part 1 Evolution of Electric Power Systems
 Part 2 Structure of the Power System
 Part 3 Power System Control
 Part 4 Design and Operating Criteria for Stability
Chapter 2 Power Generating Stations
 Part 1 Hydropower Stations
 Part 2 Thermal Stations
 Part 3 Nuclear Stations
Chapter 3 Power Transformer
 Part 1 The Basic Principles
 Part 2 Transformer Equivalent Secondary Impedance
 Part 3 Three Phase Transformer Connections
Chapter 4 Transmission System and Transmission Lines 
 Part 1 General Introduction of the Transmission System
 Part 2 Considerations for Transmission Lines and Cables
 Part 3 Circuit Parameters of Transmission Lines Anti Cables
 Part 4 Types of Transmission Conductors
Chapter 5 Circuit Breakers and Switches
 Part 1 Circuit Breakers
 Part 2 Switches
 Part 3 Recloser and Sectionatizer
 Part 4 Surge Attester
Chapter 6 Protection Design and Relays
 Part 1 Introduction
 Part 2 The Application of Protective Relaying--Protection Zones
 Part 3 Protection System Characteristics
 Part 4 Protection Principles
Chapter 7 Power System Protection
 Part 1 Protection of Generators
 Part 2 Protection of Transformers
 Part 3 Bus Protection
Chapter 8 Renewable Energy Sources
 Part 1 Importance of Renewable Energy Application
 Part 2 Solar Energy
 Part 3 Wind Power
 Part 4 Biomass
 Part 5 Hydrogen
 Part 6 Geothermal
 Part 7 Ocean Energy
 Part 8 Distributed Energy and Production
附录A Supplements
附录B 词汇表
