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当前位置: 首页出版图书生活时尚旅游华夏览胜长三角之旅:上海、江苏浙江及安徽旅游景点(英文)



定 价:¥86.00

作 者: 韩荣良,韩志宇 编译
出版社: 中国旅游出版社
标 签: 上海/浙江/江苏


ISBN: 9787503235825 出版时间: 2009-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 275 字数:  


  Every day at dawn when the sun is rising in the east there appears a huge dragon flying and dancing over the eastern horizon. The head of it is Shanghai, the very metropolitan city featuring a brisk and booming development in economy at the estuary of the Yangtze River, the body the Jiangsu Province with Anhui to follow closely behind and Zhejiang the southern wing of the huge dragon in southeast China. Geographically connected into one the four regions have been closely interwoven together culturally with people in fraternal terms and quite complementary with one another economically ever since ancient times.


  Prof.Han Rongliang, a native of Wujin, Jiangsu Province, was graduated from the English Faculty of ForeignLanguages andLiterature Department of Nanjing University in 1964. Starting his career in the Commission for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries of the PRC he later came to work in China International Travel Service. In the meantime, he was engaged to work in European Department,CITSHongKongandGeneral Manager's Office. However. while working in charge of the work for the CITS Marketing and Promotion he has done a lot in putting data into English for travel promotion and sales. Therefore. he has oiled up a great deal of useful materials and become well experienced in the job. His major works published bilingual version of English and Chinese include serial guidebooks to Guilin, Xi'an, Shanghai, Beijing,Gansu and Jiangsu. China Travel Manual, Briefings of Major Hotels in China. Temple of Heaven and Five Star Red Flag and some other works as well. Now he has again brought into being a book the Yangtze River Delta Fantasy- guide to epitomized tourist attractions in Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang & Anhui in order to make some small contributions to the tourism industry in China.


Shanghai Municipality上海市
Overview of Shanghai Municipality
Attractions & Sights
Display of International Buildings万国建筑博览
China Taipingyang(Pacific)Insurance Company中国太平洋保险公司
East Wind Hotel东风饭店
Hong Kong Qiaofu Company香港侨福公司
Shanghai Pudong Development Bank上海浦东发展银行
Shanghai Customs House上海海关大楼
China Foreign Exchange Center中国外汇交易中心
Bank of Merchants招商银行大楼
Shanghai Home—Use Textile Goods Import&Export Co.上海家用纺织品进出口公司
Southern Building of Peace Hotel和平饭店南楼
Northern Building of Peace Hotel和平饭店北楼
Bank ofChina Shanghai Branch中国银行上海市分行
Industrial and Commercial Bank ofChina中国工商银行大楼
Shanghai Foreign Trade Building上海外贸大楼
China Ever—Bright Bank中国光大银行
Shanghai Mansion上海大厦
Pujiang Hotel浦江饭店
No.1 Department Store ofShanghai上海市第一百货商店
International Hotel 国际饭店
Jinjiang Hotel锦江饭店
Waibaidu Bridge外白渡桥
Cruise Tour Along the Huangpu River黄浦江畅游
Nanpu Bridge南浦大桥
Yangpu Bridge杨浦大桥
Oriental Pearl TV and Radio Tower东方明珠广播电视塔
Jinmao Grand Plaza金茂大厦
People’s Square人民广场
Museum of Shanghai上海博物馆
Exhibition Hall for Folk Collections in Shanghai上海民间收藏陈列馆(三山会馆)
Yuyuan Garden豫园
Qiuxiapu in Jiading嘉定秋霞圃
Guyi Garden in Nanxiang南翔古猗园
Twisting Flow Garden at Qingpu青浦曲水园
Pool of Five Dragons in Jiading嘉定汇龙潭
Shanghai Botanical Garden上海植物园
Shanghai Sheshan National Tourist Resort佘山国家旅游度假区
Zhujiajiao and Life-Free Bridge朱家角放生桥
Puji Bridge普济桥
Memorial Hall of the First National Congress of the Communist Party
of China 中共“一大”会址纪念馆
Former Residence of Dr.Sun Yat-sen孙中山故居
Former Residence of Mme Soong Ching Ling宋庆龄故居
Mme Soong Ching Ling’s Mausoleum宋庆龄陵园
Tomb of Huang Daopo黄道婆墓
Former Residence of Lu Xun鲁迅故居
Former Residence of Xu Guangqi徐光启故居
Tomb of Xu Guangqi徐光启墓
Longhua Martyrs’Park龙华烈士陵园
Shanghai Library上海图书馆
Shanghai Grand Theater上海大剧院
Shanghai Gymnasium上海体育馆
Stadium of 80,000 Seats八万人体育场
Nanjing Road East南京东路
Huaihai Road Centrel淮海中路
Xujiahui Downtown Area徐家汇
Sichuan Road North四川北路
0Id Town God Temple Bazaar老城隍庙商城
XinUandi—for Tour&Shopping上海新天地
Jade Buddha Temple玉佛寺
Longhua Temple龙华寺
Jing’an Monastery静安古寺
White Cloud Taoist Temple 白云观
Confucius Temple in Jiading嘉定孔庙
Little Peach Garden Mosque小桃园清真寺
Xujiahui Catholic Church徐家汇天主教堂
Shanghai Community Church上海国际礼拜堂
Sheshan Holy Placefor Catholic Pilgrims佘山天主教朝圣地
St.Mary’s Hall圣母大堂
Japanese Non Gang Ji 日本本愿寺
Old Synagogue of Jews犹太会堂旧址
Song Pagoda宋塔
Tang Scripture Pillar in Songjiang District松江唐幢
Wanshou Pagoda万寿塔
Yuan Temple元寺
Twin Pagodas at Nanxiang南翔双塔
Mao Pagoda泖塔
Huayan Pagoda华严塔
Xilin Pagoda西林塔
Fahua Pagoda法华塔
lHuzhu Pagoda护珠塔
Jiangsu Province江苏省
Zhejiang Province浙江省
Anhui Province安徽省
