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定 价:¥43.00

作 者: 邱东林 主编
出版社: 上海外语教育出版社
丛编项: 新编研究生英语系列教材
标 签: 硕士/博士


ISBN: 9787544608701 出版时间: 2008-12-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 328 字数:  


  《基础综合英语(学生用书)》适合各专业硕士研究生和博士研究生使用,为期一学期。本教材共分八个单元,每单元围绕一个主题展开,分Lesson A和Lesson B,Lesson A处理听说,Lesson B处理读写。Lesson A分为三个部分,每部分围绕一个听力材料展开,配有各种具备挑战性的练习:既有涉及主题的,也有涉及具体细节的;既有回答问题的,也有设计提问的。在使用时,教师应根据学生的实际情况来决定听的次数,使学生掌握主旨大意、作者态度和重点细节。第一部分还配有口语技能(Speaking Skills),比如presentation skills,interview skills,等等。其目的是为了提高学生口语交际能力。另外还有Speaking Tips,是一些功能方面的常用口语表达用语,使学生在口语方面能做到语法正确,语域恰当,内容丰富,表达流畅。Lesson B分为Text A和Text B两部分,两篇课文同样重要。每篇课文之前,我们设计了Lead.in,提一些非常泛的问题,目的是培养学生top.down等策略的使用。课后的练习都有一定的难度,如让学生用学过的生词或词组进行句子填空,但不给出生词表,再如用给出的单词进行句型转换,等等。在TextA中还配有翻译技巧和写作技巧,它们自成一体,与课文本身并没有直接的关系,但是交际能力中不可或缺的重要组成部分。在教学过程中,应灵活使用有关单元以及每单元的有关内容,不应面面俱到、泛泛而论。应突出重点,抓住要点,调动学生的积极性。在运用本教材时还应该结合各种教学法,充分利用现代教学手段。唯如此,才能真正提高学生的英语综合运用能力。




Unit One Education
Lesson A Listening and Speaking
Part One Problems with US Education
Part Two Arts Education
Part Three Graduate Education
Lesson B Reading and Writing
Text A In Praise of the F Word
Text B Essence of Education
Unit Two Love
Lesson A Listening and Speaking
Part One Romance
Part Two Eternal Love
Part Three The Power of Love
Lesson B Reading and Writing
Text A A Wedding Gift
Text B Wedded Dis
Unit Three Health
Lesson A Listening and Speaking
Part One Is Overweight a Problem?
Part Two New Four Food Groups
Part Three There Are Worse Things than Dying
Lesson B Reading and Writing
Text A Tracing the Cigarette's Path from Sexy to Deadly
Text B Marketing to Your Mind
Unit Four Technology
Lesson A Listening and Speaking
Part One Ceil Phone
Part Two Internet
Part Three Computer Giants
Lesson B Reading and Writing
Text A We've Got Mail—Always
Text B Is the Web Isolating You?
Test Yourself(1)
Unit Five Success and Happiness
Lesson A Listening and Speaking
Part One Success Is a Choice
Part Two Can We Find Happiness?
Part Three The Sweet Success of Branding
Lesson B Reading and Writing
Text A Aristotle Got It Right
Text B Finding Your True Calling
Unit Six Globalilation
Lesson A Listening and Speaking
Part One Three Eras of Globalization
Part TWo Globalization and China
Part Three Globalization and Inequality
Lesson B Reading and Writing
Text A Give Globalization a Hand
Text B All Cultures Are Not Equal
Unit Seven Plagiarism
Lesson A Listening and Speaking
Part One Defining Plagiarism
Part TWo Plagiarism in College
Part Three Avoiding Plagiarism
Lesson B Reading and Writing
Text A The Cult of Celebrity Professors
Text B What's Wrong with Copying?
Unit Eight Patriotism
Lesson A Listening and Speaking
Part One My Chinese Heart
Part Two Comments on Patriotism
Part Three Pride of the Nation
Lesson B Reading and Writing
Text A Duty,Honor,Country
Text B On Patriotism
Test Yourself(2)
