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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术计算机/网络软件与程序设计程序设计综合WINDOWS 3D编程



定 价:¥188.00

作 者: (美)佩特索德 著
出版社: 世界图书出版公司


ISBN: 9787506291705 出版时间: 2009-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 430 字数:  


  Learn to create 3D graphics for Windows-from programming legend Charles Petzold.Get a focused introduction to programming 3D graphics with the Windows Presentation Foundation 3D API. Complementing his book Applications =Code + Markup, award-winning author Charles Petzold builds on XAML essentials, teaching you how to display and animate 3D graphics under the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 and Windows VistaTM. Youll get expert guidance and code samples in XAML and Microsoft Visual C#-helping you master the skills you need to create high-fidelity user interfaces.Discover how to:Define complex 3D obiects with triangle meshesEnhance the illumination of 3D surfaces with light and shading effectsColor 3D figures with gradients, bitmaps, and drawingsAdd animation with transforms and vertex manipulationRepresent linear, affine, and camera transforms by using matricesCalculate vector angles, angles of rotation, and axes of rotationGenerate triangle meshes efficiently by using C# codeExpress rotation by using quaternion computationProvide a user interface for manipulating and drawing 3D figures


  Charles Petzold,Charles Petzold has been writing about personal computer programming for two decades. His classic book Programming Windows, now in its fifth edition, has influenced a generation of programmers and is one of the best-selling programming books of all time. He is also theauthor of Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hard-ware and Software, the critically acclaimed narrative on the inner life of smart machines. Charles is also a MicrosoftMVP for Client Application Development. His Web site iswww. charlespetzold, com.


The Role of WPF 3D
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1 Lights! Camera! Mesh Geometries!
Three-Dimensional Coordinates
Points in Space
Introduction to Vectors
Defining the 3D Figure
Lights and Camera
The Viewport3D and Its Constituents
Variations in Code and Markup
Fields of View
Defining Flat Rectangles
Defining "Solid" Figures
Balancing Light Sources
The Orthographic ProJection
Why Not Share the Vertices?
Sorting Out the Classes
2 Transforms and Animation
Animation Without Transforms
Manipulating Collections
The Transform3D Class
The Translation Transform
Shareable Models
The Scale Transform
Combining Translation and Scaling
How to Build a Chair
3 Axis/Angle Rotation
The Rotation Transform
Combining Rotation and Other Transforms
Introduction to Hit-Testing
Animating the Axis
4 Light and Shading
Lessons in lllumination
Vector Mathematics
DiffuseMoterial and Its Properties
SpotLight and PointLight
5 Texture and Materials
Gradient Brushes
Tile Brushes
Brushes Based on Bitmaps
Efficiency Issues
Brushes Based on Drawings
The VisualBrush
Specular and Emissive Materials
6 Algorithmic Mesh Geometries
Triangulation Basics
Parametric Equations
Analyzing the Sphere
Triangulating the Sphere
The Problem of Inheritance
7 Matrix Transforms
8 Quaternions
9 Applications and Curiosa
