Chapter 1: Origins of Geometric Algebra
1-1.Geometry as Physics
1-2.Number and Magnitude
1-3.Directed Numbers
1-4.The Inner Product
1-5.The Outer Product
1-6.Synthesis and Simplification
1-7.Axioms for Geometric Algebra
Chapter 2: Developments in Geometric Algebra
2-1.Basic Identities and Definitions
2-2.The Algebra of a Euclidean Plane
2-3.The Algebra of Euclidean 3-Space
2-4.Directions, Projections and Angles
2-5.The Exponential Function
2-6.Analytic Geometry
2-7.Functions of a Scalar Variable
2-8.Directional Derivatives and Line Integrals
Chapter 3: Mechanics of a Single Particle
3-1.Newton's Program
3-2.Constant Force
3-3.Constant Force with Linear Drag
3-4.Constant Force with Quadratic Drag
3-5.Fluid Resistance
3-6.Constant Magnetic Field
3-7.Uniform Electric and Magnetic Fields
3-8.Linear Binding Force
3-9.Forced Oscillations
3-10.Conservative Forces and Constraints
Chapter 4: Central Forces and Two-Particle Systems
4-1.Angular Momentum
4-2.Dynamics from Kinematics
4-3.The Kepler Problem
4-4.The Orbit in Time
4-5.Conservative Central Forces
4-6.Two-particle Systems
4-7.Elastic Collisions
4-8.Scattering Cross Sections
Chapter 5: Operators and Transformations
5-1.Linear Operators and Matrices
5-2.Symmetric and Skewsymmetric Operators
5-3.The Arithmetic of Reflections and Rotations
5-4.Transformation Groups
5-5.Rigid Motions and Frames of Reference
5-6.Motion in Rotating Systems
Chapter 6: Many-Particle Systems
6-1.General Properties of Many-Particle Systems
6-2.The Method of Lagrange
6-3.Coupled Oscillations and Waves
6-4.Theory of Small Oscillations
6-5.The Newtonian Many Body Problem
Chapter 7: Rigid Body Mechanics
7-1.Rigid Body Modeling
7-2.Rigid Body Structure
7-3.The Symmetrical Top
7-4.Integrable Cases of Rotational Motion
7-5.Rolling Motion
7-6.Impulsive Motion
Chapter 8: Celestial Mechanics
8-1.Gravitational Forces, Fields and Torques
8-2.Perturbations of Kepler Motion
8-3.Perturbations in the Solar System
8-4.Spinor Mechanics and Perturbation Theory
Chapter 9: Relativistic Mechanics
9-1.Spacetime and Its Representations
9-2.Spacetime Maps and Measurements
9-3.Relativistic Particle Dynamics
9-4.Energy-Momentum Conservation
9-5.Relativistic Rigid Body Mechanics
A Spherical Trigonometry
B Elliptic Functions
C Units, Constants and Data
Hints and Solutions for Selected Exercises