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定 价:¥18.00

作 者: 略颂 编著
出版社: 水利水电出版社
丛编项: 随身装小教材商务英语系列
标 签: 商务英语


ISBN: 9787508458670 出版时间: 2009-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 32开 页数: 111 字数:  






前言 使用说明 1.迎接客人 见面问候 Mr.Smith? Hello,Im Mei Du from ABC compan! Its great to finally meet you in person 迟到道歉 I hope you havent been waiting long 谈论旅途 How was your journey? You must be exhausted now 拿行李 Do you need a hand? May I take your luggage for you? 稍事休整 Is there restroom around here? Is there a café where we could get something to drink? 去宾馆 This way...Here we are Is the hotel far from here? 谈论计划 We have the meeting with the sales team at 14:00 Would you like to check into your hotel first? Test yourself! Test yourself!参考答案 安排接机E-mail 2.参观接待 欢迎客人 Welcome to our company Did you have any trouble finding us? 谈论办公地点 This is a lovely space you have here The building is very bright and airy Have you been in this location long? 谈论公司 How many people are in the company now? 参观办公室 Would you like to leave your things here? You can see the marketing department If youll just come this way 提供饮料 Would you like something to drink? How do you take your coffee? Heres your coffee 指方向 Its just round the corner on the left Just go out of the door and turn left to get to lift 介绍同事 Have you met my colleague,Yan Fang? 请求重复 Sorry, I didnt quite catch that Test yourself! Test yourself!参考答案 3.相互熟悉 谈论旅行 Is this your first visit to Beijing? 谈论天气 How was the weathe? 谈论熟人 Hows Jack doing these days? 转达问候 She says hello,by the way 谈论休闲娱乐 I like listening to jazz.How about you? What do you like doing in your free time? I try to play football at least once a week 谈论私人物品 I like that painting 谈论工作 How tong have you worked for your company? 推进谈话 Which airport did you fly into? The food in Italy is great,isnt it? 表示认同 That must have been fun 表示同情 Im sorry to hear that 拒绝回答 Im sorry, but thats too personal 结束谈话 Well,we all seem to be here now.Lets begin Test yourself! Test yourself!参考答案 天气词汇 4.观光陪同 5.在餐桌上 6.展会交流
