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定 价:¥22.00

作 者: 雷兵,杨晓梅 主编
出版社: 东北财经大学出版社
丛编项: 21世纪高职高专精品教材·会展专业
标 签: 高职高专


ISBN: 9787811225228 出版时间: 2009-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 171 字数:  






Unit 1 Preparation for Exhibition(展前)
Lesson One Brief Introduction to Conventions and Exhibitions
Section One:Lead in
Section Two:Speak and Act
Section Three:Intensive Reading
Section Four:Read More
Lesson Two Planning the Exhibition
Section One:Lead in
Section Two:Speak and Act
Section Three:Intensive Reading
Section Four:Read More
Lesson Three Exhibition Marketing
Section One:Lead in
Section Two:Speak and Act
Section Three:Intensive Reading
Section Four:Read More
Lesson Four Invitation
Section One:Lead in
Section Two:Speak and Act
Section Three:Intensive Reading
Section Four:Read More
Unit 2 At the Exhibition(展中)
Lesson One Receiving Clients
Section One:Lead in
Section Two:Speak and Act
Section ThFee:Intensive Reading
Section Four:Read More
Lesson Two Sales Presentation
Section One:Lead in
Section Two:Speak and Act
Section Three:Intensive Reading
Section Four:Read More
Lesson Three Business Negotiation
Section One:Lead in
Section Two:Speak and Act
Section Three:Intensive Reading
Section Four:Read More
Lesson Four Signing a Contract
Section One:Lead in
Section Two:Speak and Act
Section ThFee:Intensive Reading
Section Four:Read More
Lesson Five Organizing Activities
Section One:Lead in
Section Two:Speak and Act
Section Three:Intensive Reading
Section Four:Read More
Unit 3 Exhibition Follow-Up(展后)
Lesson One Follow-uD Businesses
Section One:Lead in
Section Two:Speak and Act
Section Three:Intensive Reading
Section Four:Read More
Lesson Two Exhibition Results Analysis
Section One:Lead in
Section Two:Speak and Act
Section Three:Intensive Reading
Section Four:Read More
Unit 4 Convention(会议)
Lesson One Booking a Meeting
Section One:kad in
Section Two:Speak and Act
Section Three:Intensive Reading
Section Four:Read More
Lesson Two Preparation for International Convention
Section One:Lead in
Section Two:Speak and Act
Section Three:Intensive Reading
Section FoLlr:Read More
Lesson Three Opening and Closing Ceremony
Section One:Lead in
Section Two:Speak and Act
Section Three:Intensive Reading
Section Four:Read More
Lesson Four Notice
Section One:Lead in
Section Two:Speak and Act
Section Three:Intensive Reading
Section Four:Read More
附录1 主要国际会议、展览行业组织
附录2 会展词汇与术语
