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定 价:¥28.00

作 者: 罗虹,陆志兴 编著
出版社: 武汉大学出版社
丛编项: 现代实用商务英语丛书
标 签: 商务英语


ISBN: 9787307067721 出版时间: 2009-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 285 字数:  






Chapter 1 Cross Culture of Business
Section I
  Text A Aspects of Culture ( I )
  Reading Passage 1, Passage 2
Section II
  Text B Aspects of Culture ( II )
  Reading Passage 3, Passage 4
Reading Skill Prereading
Chapter 2 Business Etiquette
Section I
  Text A Everyday Etiquette for Office Life
  Reading Passage 1, Passage 2
Section II
  Text B Handshakes
  Reading Passage 3, Passage 4
Reading Skill Speed Reading
Chapter 3 Insurance
Section I
  Text A Insurance and Its Functions
  Reading Passage 1, Passage 2
Section lI
  Text B Types of Insurance Coverage
  Reading Passage 3, Passage 4
Reading Skill Skimming
Chapter 4 Global Corporations
Section I
  Text A Multinationals
  Reading Passage 1, Passage 2
Section II
  Text B The Ups and Downs of Sanyo
  Reading Passage 3, Passage 4
Reading Skill Scanning
Chapter 5 Successful Businessmen
Section I
  Text A Inspiration and Hard Work Made Me an Entrepreneur
  Reading Passage 1, Passage 2
Section H
  Text B Malcolm McLean
  Reading Passage 3, Passage 4
Reading Skill Context Clues
Chapter 6 Economy and Business
Section I
  Text A Big-Thinking Chinese HDTV Maker Looks to the U.S. Market
  Reading Passage 1, Passage 2
Section lI
  Text B Pepsi Gets Street Smart
  Reading Passage 3, Passage 4
Reading Skill Main Idea
Chapter 7 Advertisements
Section I
  Text A The Advertising Standards Authority:An Advertising Watchdog
  Reading Passage 1, Passage 2
Section lI
  Text B Advertising
  Reading Passage 3, Passage 4
Reading Skill Stems and Affixes
Chapter 8 Internet and E-commerce
Section I
  Text A Surfing to Success
  Reading Passage 1, Passage 2
Section II
  Text B Getting World onto Intemet Train
  Reading Passage 3, Passage 4
Reading Skill Paragraph Analysis: Reading for Full Understanding
Keys to Exercises
