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当前位置: 首页出版图书文学艺术文学文学理论写作就是施咒:伊什梅尔·里德后现代小说戏仿艺术



定 价:¥18.00

作 者: 林元富 著
出版社: 厦门大学出版社
丛编项: 美国后现代小说论丛
标 签: 文学理论


ISBN: 9787561531310 出版时间: 2008-11-01 包装: 平装
开本: 大32开 页数: 244 字数:  






List of Abbreviations
 A. Ishmael Reed and the Literary Tokenism
 B. Ishmael Reed and His Works
 C. Ishmael Reed and His Critics
 D. Reed Study in China and the Framework of the Present Study
Chapter 1 Satire's Edge: Ishmael Reed and the Postmodernist Parody
 A. Postmodernist Parody as Pastiehe--Reedian parody in Fredrie Jameson's Model
  1. Pastiche, Schizophrenia and the Loss of Historicity
  2. Simulacra, Historical Fiction and Crisis in Historicity
  3. Reification, Bricolage, and the Random Play of Signifiers
  4. Pastiche and Textual Play in Ishmael Reed's Fiction
 B. Postmodernist Parody as "Double-Coded" Paradoxm
  Reedian Parody in Linda Hutcheon's Model 
  1. A Poetics of Paradox and the Representation of History
  2. Historiographic Metafiction and the Problematization of History
  3. Postmodernist Parody and Its Double-Coded Politics
  4. Parody and Cultural Critique in Ishmael Reed's Fiction
 C. Towards a Pluralizing Interpretation of Postm0dernist Parody
Chapter 2 The Black Cowboy in the Marlboro World: Ishmael Reed's Parody of the American Western
 A. Generic Conventions of the American Western
 B. Parodic Transgressions in Yellow Back Radio Broke-Down
  1. Narrative Innovation and Cultural Rewriting
  2. The Apocryphal History and the Triumph of Voodoo
Chapter 3 The Voodoo Houngan on the Case:Ishmael Reed's Parody of the Detective Fiction
A. Detective Fiction and Its Generic Conventions
B. Detective Fiction and the Postmodernist Proliferation of the Anti-Detective Fiction
C. Detective Fiction and Its Revision by the African American Novelists
D. Mumbo Jumbo as a Text of Black Anti-Detective Fiction
1. The Elusive Mystery, the Missing Text and the Cuhural Connotation of the Crime
2. The HooDoo Trickster Detective Persona and His Metaphysical Detection of History
3. The "Amphibious" Text and the "Game" of Decoding
Chapter 4 The Black Raven in the South: Ishmael Reed's Revision of the Slave Narrative
A. The Slave Narrative and Its Paradigmatic Gestures
B. The Slave Narrative and Its Contemporary Revision the Neo-Slave Narrative
C. Flight to Canada and Its Revision of the Slave Narrative
1. Parodic Revision and Reed's Rewriting of Antebellum History
2. Character Reversal and Reed's Reexamination of the Dynamics of Slavery and Freedom
Chapter 5 The Black Junior Professor Amidst the Cultural Wars:Ishmael Reed's Parody of the Academic Fiction
Works Cited
