Dr.Luo Li.Of the Tibetan ethnic group,was born in1965.As a professor oflaw majoring in ethnic economics,she teachesat the College of Eco-noml OS Of the Central University forNationalities.Her major academic con.ce rns are economic development inethnic regions,the regional economicdevelopment of Qinghai and Tibet,andtemple economics.Her works includeTibetSO YearsmEconomy(Ethnic Pub-lishing House,2001),Tibet Economy(Bashu Book Press,2003),On the Bud-dhist Temple Economy:as Wellas the Taoist Temple,Mosque and CatholicChurch Economies(Religion and CulturePublishing House,2004)and EconomicPatterns ofChina"s Buddhistand Taoist Temples(Central University for Nationali-ties Press,2006).