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作 者: 郁仲莉 主编
出版社: 浙江大学出版社
丛编项: 研究生课程精编教材
标 签: 硕士/博士


ISBN: 9787308062695 出版时间: 2008-11-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 369 字数:  


  《农业推广硕士英语教程》系全国农业推广硕士专业学位教育指导委员会组织编写并推荐的农业推广硕士研究生教材,由全国农业推广硕士专业学位教育指导委员会资助出版。本教材结构上包括12个单元,每个单元由A、B、C三篇内容相关的课文组成。课文A为主课文,课文B和C为辅助性课文,课文后是注解和练习,书后配有练习答案。内容上涉及四大主题:以农民为中心的农业推广(farmer-led extension),推广中的性别问题(gender and extension),果蔬、家禽和营销(growing vegetables and fruits.poultryand marketing),以及可持续农业(sustainable agriculture)。适用于农业推广硕士研究生、农科院校的研究生和教师,以及广大农业科技工作者。




Unit 1 Agricultural Extension in Developing Countries
Text A Problems and Ideas in Agricultural Extension
Text B Training Agricultural Extension Workers
Text C Adoption and Diffusion of Innovations

Unit 2 Management Planning and Policy
Text A Managing Agricultural Extension
Text B Programme Planning
Text C Group Promoters in Rural Development

Unit 3 Farmer-led Extension
Text A Concepts and Practices in Farmer-led Extension
Text B Roles and Responsibilities in Farmer-to-farmer Extension (1)
Text C Roles and Responsibilities in Farmer-to-farmer Extension (2)

Unit 4 Issues and Problems in Farmer-to-farmer Extension
Text A Selection of Farmer-extensionists
Text B Payment and Time Allocation
Text C Other Issues and Problems

Unit 5 Understanding How Gender Affects Agricultural Production
Text A Gender Factors and Womens Roles in Agriculture
Text B  Constraints Women Farmers Face: Barriers to Access (1)
Text C Constraints Women Farmers Face: Barriers to Access (2)

Unit 6 Improving the Delivery of Extension to Women Farmers
Text A Gender in Agricultural Extension
Text B Communicating with Farmers
Text C Monitoring and Evaluation

Unit 7 Pest Control in Growing Vegetables and Fruits
Text A Natural Methods for the Prevention of Pests in Cultivated Plants
Text B Natural Methods of Pest Control
Text C Pesticides

Unit 8 Poultry
Text A Poultry in Context
Text B  Integration of Poultry Production into Agricultural Systems in the Tropics"
Text C Marketing Poultry Products

Unit 9 The Wheels of Trade
Text A  Developing Markets for Business Services
Text B  Setting the Terms of Discussion: A Model for the Delivery of BDS
Text C A Fresh Analysis of a Traditional Approach

Unit 10 Farming for the Future
Text A Sustainable Agriculture
Text B  Agricultural Research and Extension
Text C Additional Options for LEIA

Unit 11 LEISA in Perspective (1)
Text A In Search of Sustainability
Text B  Processes That Cause Change and Affect Sustainability
Text C Is Agricultural Intensification Ecologically Sustainable?

Unit 12 LEISA in Perspective (2)
Text A Different Expressions of LEISA
Text B Participatory Learning, Planning and Action toward LEISA
Text C Building Bridges to LEISA
Key to Exercises
