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作 者: 白远,周建萍 编著
出版社: 清华大学出版社
丛编项: 新编国际商务英语系列教材
标 签: 商务英语


ISBN: 9787811235470 出版时间: 2009-05-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 214 字数:  






Unit 1 The Meaning of Economics .
Unit 2 Two Methods in Economic Studies
Unit 3 The World Natural Resources
Unit 4 Production
Unit 5 The Role of Price
Unit 6 Reasons for International Trade
Unit 7 Approaches to International Business
Unit 8 Barriers to International Business
Unit 9 Laws Affecting Business (Ⅰ)
Unit 10 Laws Affecting Business (Ⅱ)
Unit 11 World Trade Organization
Unit 12 The Fine Art of Negotiation
Unit 13 Government Procurement
Unit 14 Intellectual Property
Unit 15 Trademark
Unit 16 Logistics
Unit 17 Market and Marketing
Unit 18 The Role of Advertising
Unit 19 The Function of Money
Unit 20 International Balance of Payment
Unit 21 The Federal Reserve
Unit 22 Commercial Banks
Unit 23 The World Bank
Unit 24 Interest Rate and the Economy
Unit 25 Foreign Exchange Trading
Unit 26 Stocky a Means of Investment
Unit 27 New York Stock Exchange
Unit 28 Why We Need Insurance?
Unit 29 International Monetary Fund
Unit 30 International Taxation
Unit 31 Accounting
Unit 32 Foreign Direct Investment
Unit 33 Globalization
Unit 34 Multinational Corporations
Unit 35 ASEAN
Unit 36 European Union
Unit 37 NAFTA
Unit 38 Forms of Business Ownership
Unit 39 Keys to Success for New Small Businesses
Unit 40 Merger and Acquisition
Unit 41 The Art of Management
Unit 42 The Art of Leadership
Appendix A Key to the Exercises
