Chapter 1 Electronics
1.1 Electronic Devices and Types of Circuits
1.2 Operational Amplifier
1.3 Boolean Algebra and Logic Circuits
1.4 FIip-Flops
Chapter 2 Signals and Systems
2.1 Signals
2.2 Systems
Chapter 3 Digital Signal Processing
3.1 Z-Transfornl
3.2 Discrete Fourier Transform
Chapter 4 Communication Technology
4.1 Introduction to Communication Systems
4.2 Modulmion Techniques
4.3 Multimedia Communication Technology
Chapter 5 Computer Network
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Components ofa Network
5.3 Network Architecture and OSI Reference Model
5.4 TCP/IP
第6章 英文专业文献的翻译
6.1 专业英语的基本特点
6.2 专业英语翻译的标准
6.3 专业英语翻译的基本方法
6.4 专业术语的翻译
6.5 常用数学符号和公式翻译
Chapter 7 Mobile Phone
7.1 Overview
7.2 Usage
7.3 History
7.4 Terminology
Chapter 8 Fiber-optic Communication
8.1 Applications
8.2 History
8.3 TechnologY
8.4 Comparison with Electrical Transmission
8.5 Governing Standards
Chapter 9 Information Theory and Coding
9.1 BriefIntroduction
9.2 Entropy
9.3 Source Coding
9.4 Error Control Coding
Chapter 10 Digital Image Processing
10.1 Digital Representation ofImages
10.2 Fundamental Me也ods ofImage Processing
10.3 Application ofDigital Image Processing
Chapter 11 Embedded Systems
11.1 111e Main Idea
11.2 PIC Hardware
11.3 PIC Software
11.4 System Design
第12章 英文科技论文标题和摘要的写作
12.1 英文科技论文体例
12.2 英文标题的翻译
12.3 英文摘要的重要性
12.4 英文摘要的种类
12.5 英文摘要写作的基本要求
12.6 英文摘要写作常用句型结构
12.7 英文摘要范例