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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语职业、行业英语新编土木工程专业英语(建筑工程方向)



定 价:¥28.00

作 者: 钱永梅,庞平 主编
出版社: 化学工业出版社
标 签: 科技英语


ISBN: 9787122052094 出版时间: 2009-07-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 204 字数:  






PartⅠ The Basic Knowledge
 Unit 1 The Basic Characters of English for Special Purpose
  1.1 The Characters of Language语言特点
  1.2 The Characters of Grammar语法特点
  1.3 The Characters of Words and Expressions词汇特点
  1.4 The characters of Structure结构特点
 Unit 2 The Translation of English for Special Purpose
  2.1 Introduction引言
  2.2 Contrast between English and Chinese英汉语言对比
  2.3 Selecting and Extending the Meaning of a Word词义选择及引申
  2.4 Method of Changing the Syntactical Func tions词性的转换译法
  2.5 Methods of Adding and Omitting增译和省译法
  2.6 Translation of Special Sentence Pattern特殊句型的翻译
  2.7 Translation of Long Sentence长句的翻译
  2.8 Translation of Subordinate Clause从句的翻译
  2.9 Translation about Quantity有关数量的翻译
 Unit 3 Writing of Scientific and Technical Papers
  3.1 Stylistic Rules of Papers论文体例
  3.2 Title and Sign标题与署名
  3.3 Abstract摘要
  3.4 Writing and Organizing of the Main Text正文的组织与写作
PartⅡ Collection of English Literatures about Engineerings
 Unit 1 Careers in Civil Engineering
 Unit 2 Modern Buildings and Structural Materials
 Unit 3 Building Types and Design
 Unit 4 Introduction to Mechanics of Materials
 Unit 5 Loads
 Unit 6 Subsoils and Foundations
 Unit 7 Philosophy of Structural Design
 Unit 8 Safety Concepts
 Unit 9 Design Criteria for Tall Building
 Unit 10 Durability at Concrete Structures
 Unit 11 Prestressed Concrete
 Unit 12 Structure Steel
 Unit 13 Earthquake Prediction and Effect of Earthquake on Structures
 Unit 14 ComputerAided Drafting and Design
 Unit 15 Construction Engineering
 Unit 16 Civil Engineering Contracts
PartⅢ The Reading Materials
 Unit 1 Components of A Building
 Unit 2 Building Materials
 Unit 3 Special Concrete
 Unit 4 The Procedures of Structural Design
 Unit 5 Reinforced Concrete Columns in a Frame
 Unit 6 Structural Reliability
 Unit 7 Bond of Prestressing Tendons
 Unit 8 Cable Structure
 Unit 9 Yield Line Theory of Slabs
 Unit 10 Concrete Operations
 Unit 11 Future Trends in Construction
 Unit 12 Scheduling and Control of Construction
 Unit 13 Contractors′ Management Game
 Unit 14 The Construction Process May Be Automated In the Future
 Unit 15 FIDIC Tendering Procedure
PartⅣ Words and Phrases
 Unit 1 Words and Phrases of Literatures
 Unit 2 Words and Phrases of Engineering Codes
  2.1 荷载
  2.2 地基基础
  2.3 木结构
  2.4 混凝土结构
  2.5 钢结构
  2.6 砌体结构
  2.7 高层建筑
  2.8 结构抗震
  2.9 建筑施工
  2.10 地基处理
  2.11 地基基础及防水施工
  2.12 地面、屋面及装饰装修施工
Appendix Ⅰ 专业英语常用词缀
Appendix Ⅱ 常用数学符号的文字表达
Appendix Ⅲ 土木工程中常用的度量衡和单位换算
