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作 者: 宋主民 主编
出版社: 机械工业出版社
丛编项: 普通高等教育机电类规划教材
标 签: 大学英语教材


ISBN: 9787111268697 出版时间: 2009-06-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 249 字数:  






Prefaee 1前言
Chapter 1 Brief Description of Mechatronics机电一体化筒述
1.1 Introduction引言——
1.2 Mechatronics products机电一体化产品
1.2.1 Constitution of mechatronics products机电一体化产品组成
1.2.2 Common and critical technologies in developing meehatronics product开发机电一体化产品的共性和关键技术
1.3 Mechatronics production system(manufacturing mode)机电一体化生产系统(制造模式)
1.3.1 Industrialized production stage工业化生产阶段
1.3.2 Facilities automation stage设备自动化阶段
1.3.3 Flexible automation stage柔性自动化阶段
1.3.4 Data automation stage数据自动化阶段
1.3.5 Decision automation stage决策自动化阶段
Part 1 Mechatronics Products第一部分机电一体化产品
Chapter 2 Transducer传感器
2.1 Introduction引言
2.2 Performances and evaluation index of transducer传感器的性能和评价指标
2.3 Transducer of measuring displacement位移测量传感器
2.3.1 Resistance-type displacement transducer电阻式位移传感器
2.3.2 Resistance strain guage-type displacement transducer电阻应变计式位移传感器
2.3.3 Capacitance-type displacement transducer电容式位移传感器
2.3.4 Inductance-type displacement transducer电感式位移传感器
2.3.5 Turbulence-type displacement transducer涡流式位移传感器
2.3.6 Piezoelectrics-type displacement transducer压电式位移传感器
2.3.7 Magnetic grillage-type displacement transducer磁栅式位移传感器
2.3.8 Optical grillagetype(or simply grillage)displacement transducer光栅式位移传感器
2.3.9 Inductosyn感应同步器
2.3.10 Pulse generator(encoder)脉冲发生器(编码器)
2.3.11 Resolver旋转变压器
2.3.12 Laser-type displacement transducer激光位移传感器
2.4 Speed transducer速度传感器
2.4.1 D-C tachometer generator直流测速发电机
2.4.2 Coding mask-type speed transducer编码盘式速度传感器
2.4.3 Hull element and turbulence-type speed transducer霍尔元件及涡流式速度传感器
2.5 Acceleration transducer加速度传感器
2.5.1 Piezoelectrics-type acceleration transducer(accelerator)压电式加速度传感器
2.5.2 Strain-type acceleration transducer应变式加速度传感器
2.6 Force transducer力传感器
2.6.1 Resistance strain guage-type force transducer电阻应变计式力传感器
2.6.2 Piezoelectrics-type force transducer压电式力传感器
2.7 Torque transducer扭矩传感器
2.7.1 Resistance strain-type torque transducer电阻应变式扭矩传感器
2.7.2 Capacitance-type torque transducer电容式扭矩传感器“
2.7.3 Optical-electric-type torque transducer光电式扭矩传感器
2.8 Pressure transducer压力传感器
2.8.1 Strain-type pressure transducer应变式压力传感器
2.8.2 Inductance-type pressure transducer电感式压力传感器
2.8.3 Turbulence-type pressure transducer涡流式压力传感器
2.8.4 Hull element-type pressure transducer霍尔元件式压力传感器
2.9 Visual transducer视觉传感器
Chapter 3 Medium Transferring Circuit中间转换电路
3.1 Introduction引言
3.2 Bridge电桥
3.2.1 D-C bridge直流电桥
3.2.2 A-C bridge交流电桥
3.2.3 Measuring method of bridge电桥的测量
3.3 Prior amplifier前置放大器
3.4 Modulation-demodulation(Modem)调制和解调
3.4.1 Modulation调制
3.4.2 Demodulation解调
3.5 Filter滤波器
3.5.1 Passive filter无源滤波器
3.5.2 Active filter有源滤波器
3.5.3 Digital filter数字滤波器
3.6 Digital to analog(D/A)and analog to digital(A/D)conversion数模和模数转换
3.6.1 Specifications of A/D conversion模数转换技术规范
3.6.2 Specifications of D/A conversion数模转换技术规范
3.7 Data acquisition system数据获取系统
3.7.1 Signal rectifying circuit信号调理电路
3.7.2 Multiple switch多路开关
3.7.3 Sampling/holder采样/保持器-
3.7.4 The microcomputer interface of data acquisition system数据采集系统的微机接口
3.7.5 Manners of data inputt数据输入方式
3.7.6 Typical data acquisition system典型数据采集系统
3.7.7 Anti-disturbance in data acquisition system数据采集系统中的抗干扰措施
Chapter 4 Electric Driving System of Mechatronics Products机电一体化产品中的电气驱动系统
4.1 Introduction引言
4.2 Stepping motor and its driving source步进电动机和驱动电源
4.2.1 Principium of operation工作原理
4.2.2 Dynamic characteristics of reactive stepping motor反应式步进电动机的动态特性
4.2.3 Driving source of stepping motor步进电动机的驱动电源
4.2.4 Selection of stepping motors in application步进电动机的选用
4.2.5 Step-angle-dividing circuit of stepping motor步进电动机的细分电路
4.3 D-C servo-driving motor in feeding system进给系统的直流伺服驱动电动机
4.3.1 Principium of magnet magnetized d-c motor永磁式直流电动机的原理
4.3.2 Driving circuit of d-C motor直流电动机的驱动电路
4.3.3 Constitution of d-c scrvo motor speed control system直流伺服电动机转速控制系统组成
4.4 D.C spindle motor and its control system直流主轴电动机和控制系统
4.4.1 Feature of d-c spindle motor直流主轴电动机特性
4.4.2 Speed control system of d-c spindle motor直流主轴电动机转速控制系统
4.5 A-C servo-driving motor in feeding movement进给运动的交流伺服驱动电动机
4.5.1 Structural schematic结构原理图
4.5.2 Driving circuit of magneto synchronous motor永磁同步电动机的驱动电路
4.6 A-C spindle motor and speed rectifying with frequency converter
Chapter 5 Mechanical Structure of Mechatronics Products机电一体化产品的机械结构
5.1 Introduction引言
5.2 Spindle box主轴箱
5.2.1 Constitution of spindle box主轴箱组成
5.2.2 Spindle and support主轴和支撑
5.3 Guide导轨
5.3.1Sliding guide滑动导轨
5.3.2 Rolling guide滚动导轨
5.3.3 Static-pressure guide静压导轨
5.4 Mechanical structure offeed transmission system进给传动系统的机械结构
5.4.I Ball leadscrew-nut pair滚珠丝杠一螺母副
5.4.2 Gear chain in feed transmission进给传动的齿轮链
5.4.3 Harmonic gear decelerator谐波齿轮减速器
5.5 Automatic tool-exchange device自动刀具交换器
Chapter 6 Data Processing in Mechatronics Products机电一体化产品中的数据处理
6.1 Introduction引言
6.2 Generation and control of motion instruction运动指令的产生和控制
6.2.1 Generation of motion instruction for open-loop control system开环控制系统运动指令的产生
6.2.2 Digital increment interpolator for closed-loop control system用于闭环控制系统的数字增量法插补器
6.3 Signal analysis system信号分析系统
6.3.1 Auto-correlation function自相关函数
6.3.2 Correlation function互相关函数、
6.3.3 Discrete Fourier transform algorithm离散傅里叶变换算法
6.3.4 Spectrum analysis谱分析
6.3.5 Co-interncefunction相干函数
6.3.6 System modeling系统建模
6.3.7 Post-modeling analysis。建模后分析
6.4 Examples of signal analysis in application信号分析实例
Chapter 7 Servo-Driving Control System of Feeding Movement
7.1 Introduction引言
7.1.1 Open-loop control system开环控制系统
7.1.2 Closed-loop and semi-closed-loop servo control system闭环和半闭环伺服控制系统
7.2 Algorithm of digital PID controller数字PID控制器算法
7.3 Modeling of servo feeding system伺服进给系统建模
7.4 Static and dynamic characteristics analysis of feeding servo system伺服进给系统的静动态特性
7.4.1 Dynamic characteristics动态特性
7.4.2 Static characteristics静态特性
Part 2Mechatronics Production System(Mode)
第二部分 机电一体化生产系统(模式)
Chapter 8 Facilities Automation Stage设备自动化阶段
8.1 Introduction弓l言
8.2 Numerical controlled(NC)machine tool数控机床
8.3 Constitution of NC/CNC system NC/CNC系统组成
8.4 NC programming system NC编程系统
8.4.1 NC programming medium ofworkpiece零件的NC程序载体
8.4.2 Manual and automatic NC programming system人工和自动NC编程系统
8.4.3 Types and develop trends of NC auto-programming数控自动编程的类型和发展趋向
8.4.4 Determining intersections and nodes on workpiece contour零件轮廓基点和节点的确定
8.5 Computer numerical control(CNC)system计算机数控系统
8.5.1 Advantages of CNC system CNC系统的优点
8.5.2 Constitution ofCNC system CNC系统的组成
8.5.3 Functions ofthe microcomputer in CNC system CNC系统中微机的功能
8.5.4 Programmable logic controller(PLC)in CNC system CNC系统中的可编程逻辑控制器
8.5.5 CPU(central processing unit)of CNC system CNC系统中的中央处理单元
8.5.6 Memory in CNC system CNC系统的存储器
8.5.7 I/O interface in CNC system CNC系统的输出入接口
8.5.8 The modularized design of CNC system CNC系统的模块化设计
8.5.9 The controlling software of CNC system CNC系统的控制软件
8.6 Numerical controlled machining center数控加工中心机床
8.7 Numerical controlled electric discharge machining(EDM)machine tool数控电火花加工机床
8.7.1 NC electric discharge forming machine tool(EDM)数控电火花成形机床
8.7.2 NC wire electric discharge machining(WEDM〉machine tool数控线电切割机床
8.8 Industrial robot工业机器人
8.9 Three-dimensional CNC coordinate measuring machine(CMM)CNC三坐标测量机
8.9.1 Measuring head of CMM CMM的测量头
8.9.2 Three-dimensional inductive measuring head三维感应式测量头
8.10 Program-controlled system程序控制系统
8.11 Trends of developing NC machine tool and NC techniques数控机床和数控技术的发展
8.12 Direct numerical control(DNC)system群控系统
Chapter 9 Flexible Manufacturing System(FMS)柔性制造系统
9.1 Background of developing FMS FMS的发展背景
9.2 FMC(flexible manufacturing cell)柔性制造单元
9.2.1 FMC equipped with robot带机器人的FMC
9.2.2 FMC equipped with pallet-exchange system带托盘交换系统的FMC
9.3 Constitution of FMS FMS的组成
9.3.1Machining system加工系统
9.3.2 Material handling system(MHS)材料处理系统
9.3.3 Linear and circle-type transmission system直线和环形运输系统
9.3.4 Information system信息系统
9.3.5 Control system控制系统
9.4 Critical technologies in developing FMS开发FMS的关键技术
9.4.1 MHS材料处理系统
9.4.2 Computer dispatching计算机调度
9.4.3Network communication and DBMS网络通信和数据管理系统-
9.4.4 Computer simulation for FMS FMS的计算机仿真
9.4.5 On-line monitoring and measuring在线监测
9.4.6 Adaptive control(AC)适应性控制
Chapter 10 Data Automation Stage:Computer Integrated Manufacturing System(CIMS)数据自动化阶段:计算机集成制造系统
10.1 Background of developing CIMS CIMS的发展背景
10.2 Constitution of CIMS CIMS的组成
10.2.1 Collection of automatic islands自动化岛的集合
10.2.2 Data integration of CIMS CIMS的数据集成
10.2.3 Physical(functional)integration of CIMS CIMS的物理(功能)集成
lO.2.4 Running integration of CIMS CIMS的运行集成
10.3 Technical information system(TIS)技术信息系统
10.3.1 Functions of CAD/CAM system CAD/CAM系统的功能
10.3.2 Environment of developing CAD/CAM system CAD/CAM系统的开发环境
10.3.3 Datatransferring between various CAD/CAM systems不同CAD/CAM系统间的数据交换
10.3.4 CAPP(Computer-aided process planning)system计算机辅助工艺路线制定系统
10.3.5CAD/CAPP/cAM integration 3C集成
10.3.6 Examples of3C integration 3C集成实例
10.3.7 Pro/engineering system Pro/engineering系统
10.4 Management information system(MIS)管理信息系统
10.4.1 MRP and MRP-Ⅱ system MRP和MRP-Ⅱ系统
10.4.2 Briefintroduction of MRP-Ⅲ system MRP-Ⅲ系统简介
10.5 Quality information system(QIS)质量信息系统
1051 Quality control system and quality ensuring system质量控制系统和质量保证系统
10.5.2 Total quality management(TQM)全面质量管理
105.3 The International Quality Standard ISO9000 series国际质量标准ISO9000序列
10.6 Manufacturing automation system(MAS)制造自动化系统
10.6.1 The manufacturing and management information system in MAS MAS中的制造和管理信息系统
10.6.2 The dynamic monitoring system(DMS)in MAS MAS中的动态监控系统
10.6.3 Development of opened-NC system开放式数控系统的开发
10.7 Computer network of CIMS CIMS的计算机网络
10.8 CAD/CAM engineering database system CAD/CAM的工程数据库系统
10.8.1Feature of the data in CAD/CAM integration system CAD/CAM集成系统中的数据特征
10.8.2 Engineering database in CAD/CAM system CAD/CAM系统的工程数据库
10.8.3 Client/server-based distributed DBDS基于客户机/服务器的分布式数据库管理系统
Chapter 11 Decision Automation Stage:Intelligent and Advanced Manufacturing System决策自动化阶段:智能和先进制造系统
11.1 Introduction引言
11.2 Application of AI in manufacturing system人工智能在制造系统中的应用
11.2.1 Intelligent CAD system智能CAD系统
11.2.2 Intelligent CAPP system智能CAPP系统
11.2.3 Pattern recognition模式识别
1 1.2.4 Application of artificial nervous network(ANN)technique in manufacturing system人工神经网络技术在制造系统中的应用
11.2.5 Decision suppo~system决策支持系统
11.3 Brief introduction of advanced production modes先进生产模式简介
11.3.1 Concurrent engineering(CE)并行工程
11.3.2 Just-in-time production(JIT)准时按需生产
11.3.3 Lean production(LP)精良生产
11.3.4 Agile manufacturing(AM)敏捷制造
11.3.5 Virtual manufacturing(VM)虚拟制造
11.3.6 Rapid prototype manufacturing(RPM)快速原型制造
11.3.7 Green manufacturing(GM)绿色制造
Appendix Answers to Exercises附录练习答案
