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作 者: 李晗 主编
出版社: 中国人民大学出版社
丛编项: 21世纪高职高专规划教材·汽车运用与维修系列
标 签: 高职高专


ISBN: 9787300104768 出版时间: 2009-06-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 172 字数:  






Unit 1 Engine Operating Principles and Engine Construction
Part A Engine Overall Mechanics
Part B The Four-Stroke Engine
Part C Engine Noise Diagnosis
Part D Dialogue
Unit 2 Piston Crank Mechanism and Valve Mechanism
Part A Piston Crank Mechanism
Part B Valve Mechanism
Part D Dialogue
Unit 3 Engine Fuel System
Part A Fuel Supply System of Gasoline Engine
Part B Diesel Engine Fuel System
Part C Fuel Injection Manual of Toyota Camry 2007
Part D Dialogue
Unit 4 Engine Ignition System and Starting System
Part A Engine Ignition System
Part B Engine Starting System
Part C Ignition System Diagnosis and.Service Procedure
Part D Dialogue
Unit 5 Engine Cooling System and Lubricating System
Part A Engine Cooling System
Part B Engine Lubricating System
Part C Cooling System Maintenance
Part D Dialogue
Unit 6 Power Train
Part A Clutch and Transmission
Part B Differential and Drive Axles
Part C Clutch Troubleshootin9
Part D Dialogue
Unit 7 Running System
Part A Suspension System
Part B Wheel and Tire
Part C AUTOBOSS Wheel Aligner A-860
Part D Dialogue
Unit 8 Steering System and Braking System
Part A Steering System
Part B Breaking System
Part C Anti—lock Braking Systems
Part D Dialogue
Unit 9 Instrument Panel and Automobile Sensors
Part A Instrument Panel
Part B Automobile Sensors
Part C Automobile Scope
Part D Dialogue
Unit 10 AC System and Air Bags
Part A Air Conditioning System
Part B Air Bags
Part C Air Conditioner Troubleshootin9
Part D Dialogue
Unit 11 Automobile Emission Control System
Part A Introduetion to the Emission Control System
Part B The Emission Control System Inspection
Part C Procedure for Operating Automobile Emission Analyzer
Part D Dialogue
Unit 12 Automotive Computer and Intelligent Vehicle
Part A Computers on Vehicles
Part B Intelligent Transportation System(ITS)
Part C Global Positioning System(GPS)
Part D Dialogue
