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作 者: 林燕 主编
出版社: 机械工业出版社
丛编项: 全国高等职业教育专业英语系列规划教材
标 签: 高职高专


ISBN: 9787111274209 出版时间: 2009-07-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 139 字数:  






Chapter 1 Fundamental Knowledge in Computer
 1.1 History of Computer Development
 1.2 Computer Architecture
 1.3 Main Technical Indexes for Computer
 1.4 Main Applications of the Computer
 1.5 Trends of Computer Development
 Reading Material Introduction of Scanners
Chapter 2 Foundations of Computer Hardware
 2.1 Types of Computer
 2.2 Introduction of Microcomputer
 2.3 System Unit and Peripheral Devices
 2.4 Computer Components
 Reading Material Introduction of the Laptop Computer
Chapter 3 Software and Its Applications
 3.1 What are the Application Software and the System Software?
 3.2 Application Software
 3.3 System Software
 Reading Material Introduction of the Image Editing Software--Photoshop CS
Chapter 4 Programming Language
 4.1 Programming Language Overview
 4.2 Visual Basic 6.0
 4.3 C Language
 4.4 Java
 Reading Material DBMS Introduction
Chapter 5 Computer Network
 5.1 Networks and Their Components
 5.2 Local Area Network (LAN)
 5.3 Internet and Its Applications
 Reading Material The Use of the IP Address
Chapter 6 Computer System Maintenance
 6.1 Turn-on and Shut-off
 6.2 CMOS Setup
 6.3 Familiar Screen Information
 6.4 Basic Methods of Network Testing
 6.5 Network Test Tools
 Reading Material Introduction of Basic System Maintenance
Chapter 7 Computer Network Safety and Virus Prevention
7.1 General Introduction of the Network Safety
7.2 Data Encryption
7.3 Firewall
7.4 Intrusion Detection
7.5 Computer Virus Prevention
 Reading Material The Harmfulness of the Malicious Software and Its Prevention
