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一百个中国人的梦当代百姓生活实录(二 英)

一百个中国人的梦当代百姓生活实录(二 英)

定 价:¥48.00

作 者: 安顿 著
出版社: 新世界出版社
标 签: 英文版


ISBN: 9787510404078 出版时间: 2009-06-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 205 字数:  




  An Dun (the pen name of Zhang Jieying) is a reporter for the Beijing Youth Daily She began working on her case studies on the "emotional state of modern Chinese people" in 1995. Her book series Absolute Privacy-P. ersonally Told Stories About the Emotions of Modern Chinese People include Absolute Privacy, Going Home, Love Letter, The Meeting of Strangers, Without Taboo, and Written on the Moon Her essay collections Verb An Dun, Rain from Heaven, and her novels Fragments of Des-ire, Burning Love, Love You and Harm You were all bestsellers. The film Life and Death Plunder based on her novel of the same title was awarded the top prises at the 2005 Tribeca Film Festival, 2005 Kerala State International Film Festival, the 5th Tiburun International Film Festi val, and the 16th Asian and Latin Ameri can Film Festival. The film We, with An Dun as its scenarist, won the prize for Best Television Film" atthe 2005 China Film Golden Rooster Awards. She began her interviews for the book series of The Chinese Dreams in 2007. So far the first and the second books of the series based on these interviews have been published under the titles of Real-Life Stories of the Young in Con'temporary China and Real-Life Stories of the Common People in Contemporary China.


To Hold Your Hand, To Grow Old with You
It Seems I Am Still at the Earthquake Site
I Live to Make Your Dream More Beautiful
I Choose to Change Your Life
The Infinite Landscape Is Seen While Traveling
Sorrow and Hope in an Apartment
Atonement on the Premise of Love
Half Soft and Half Strong
Relay of Mother and Daughter, Dreaming of Being a Star
The Fateful ReEncounter
For Other People Is Also for Yourself
Loving Yourself Is Better Than Saving a Marriage
“Unemployment”, the Peak of “My Career”
