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定 价:¥18.40

作 者: 王凤兰,张虹 主编
出版社: 中国电力出版社
丛编项: 全国电力职业教育规划教材
标 签: 高职高专


ISBN: 9787508371757 出版时间: 2009-06-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 176 字数:  






Unit one
Lesson One
  Conversation: At Metalwork Practice
  Text: The Views of Engineering Drafting
  Further reading: Principal (Orthographic) Views
Lesson Two
  Text: Machine Elements
  Further reading: Belt Drivers
 Lesson Three
  Text: Engineering Materials
  Further reading: Mechanical Properties of Metals
Unit two
 Lesson One
  Conversation: About Computers
  Text: Personal Computer (I)
  Further reading: Application of Office Automation
 Lesson Two
  Text: Personal Computer (2)
  Further reading: Basic Knowledge of Excel
 Lesson Three
  Text: New Generation Computing and Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  Further reading: Robotics
Unit Three
 Lesson One
  Conversation: About Generators
  Text: Site Selection
  Further reading: Operational Roles
 Lesson Two
  Text: The Generator in Drax Power Plant
  Further reading: The Pilot Exciter
 Lesson Three
  Text: Grounding and Cable
  Further reading: Major Insulation Types
Unit Four
 Lesson One
  Conversation: At the Service Counter
  Text: Measurement of Resistance
  Further reading: Electrical Engineering
 Lesson Two
  Text: About Power Plants
  Further reading: Control System
 Lesson Three
  Text: CAD and Applications
  Further reading: Electric Circuit (1)
Unit Five
 Lesson One
  Conversation: At a Power Supply Business Counter
  Text: Overhead Lines
  Further reading: Electrical Circuit (2)
 Lesson Two
  Text: Power Supply
  Further reading: Electrical Safety (1)
 Lesson Three
  Text: The Control System
  Further reading: Electrical Safety (2)
Unit Six
 Lesson One
  Conversation: At a Substation
  Text: A Protective Relay
  Further reading: Transformer
 Lesson Two
  Text: Distribution Automation Increases Reliability
  Further reading: Relays (1)
 Lesson Three
  Text: The Electrical Mimic Board
  Further reading: Relays (2)
Unit Seven
 Lesson One
  Conversation: Practical and Electronic Technology
  Text: The Transistor
  Further reading: The Transistor's Basic Circuit
Unit Eight
Unit Nine
Unit Ten
