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定 价:¥21.00

作 者: 杨敏,王金娥 主编
出版社: 上海外语教育出版社
丛编项: 新世纪高等院校英语专业生系列教材
标 签: 英语专业


ISBN: 9787544611282 出版时间: 2009-02-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 352 字数:  






Unit 1
TextⅠ My Father'S Shadow
TextⅡ MyNewMumIs…MyDad
Unit 2
TextⅠ The Teddy Stoddard Story
TextⅡ The FOrbidden Fruits
Unit 3
TextⅠ My Stroke ofLuck
TextⅡ A New Attitude to Gratitude
Unit 4
TextⅠ Me and My Big Mouth
TextⅡ Sam'SWake-UpCall-andMine
Unit 5
TextⅠ FriendsforLife
TextⅡ Do This and You Will Be Welcome Anywhere
Unit 6
TextⅠ “We've Been Hit!”
TextⅡ Rethinking Skyscrapers
Unit 7
TexⅠ The Virtues of Growing older
TextⅡ ClosingtheGap
Unit 8
TextⅠ Fourteen Steps
TextⅡ The Power of Belief
Unit 9
TextⅠ The Diary of the Unknown Soldier
TextⅡ LifeGoes On
Unit 10
TextⅠ Gregory Peck——An American Master
TextⅡ Unforgettable lngnd Bergman
Unit 11
TextⅠ Letterto aB Student
TextⅡ College Pressures
Unit 12
TextⅠ TimetoTakeItEasy
TextⅡ LessWorkIsthe Secretto aRicherLife
Unit 13
TextⅠ Focus onGlobalWarming
TextⅡ The Villain in the Atmosphere
Unit 14
TextⅠ The JeaningofAmerica
TextⅡ HappyBirthdaytoYou
Unit 15
TextⅠ Should a Public Worker Accept Costly Gifts?
TextⅡ Bribery——An Inevitable Evil?
Unit 16
TextⅠ Open the Door to Forgiveness
TextⅡ Forgiveness
Unit 17
Text for Units 1-4
Text for Units 5-8
Test for Units 9-12
Text for Units 13-16
Final Text for UnitS 1-16
Appendix:Key to the Tests
