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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语英语词汇/语法/阅读新世纪英语新闻阅读(第2册)



定 价:¥32.00

作 者: 何肖朗 主编
出版社: 国防工业出版社
丛编项: 高等院校英语报刊阅读教材
标 签: 阅读


ISBN: 9787118062786 出版时间: 2009-05-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 362 字数:  


  全书共5个板块,分为22单元,每单元由Text A和Text B构成。所选文章主要是英文报刊2007年至2008年的热点新闻,世界政治、经济、文化、环境生态、教育、卫生、科技等诸多方面的情况介绍,体现当今世界和平、合作与发展的主题。《新世纪英语新闻阅读(第2册)》适合大学英语及涉外专业学生选修,也可供参加英语等级考试和研究生入学、托福、雅思、商务BEC等考试的学生及英语爱好者选读。




PART 1 Hot News
Unit 1 Text A In Sleek Cars and "I Love China" T-shirts,a New Peoples Army Pours Out to Help Victims of the Quake
Text B Newspapers in the West
Unit 2 Text A You and Me Against the World When Twins Team Up,Shared Mettle Can Lead to an Olympic Medal
Text B The Organization of a Newspaper Story Types in the English Press Anthology
Unit 3 Text A Report 1 China Launches Spacewalk Mission
Report 2 China Launches Three-man Crew into Space
Report 3 As Chinas First Spacewalk Unfolds,Anchors Keep Their Cool
Text B Story Types in the English Press Anthology
Unit 4 Text A Report 1 Oil Price Bounces Back on Rate Cut Hopes
Report 2 Oil Below $ 34 as Brown Warns on Volatility
Text B Story Types in the English Press Anthology
Unit 5 Text A Obama Acceptance Speech (Transcript)
Text B Story Types in the English Press Anthology
PART 2 Education
Unit 6 Text A Chris Woodheads Part in a Doomed Actof Education Reform
Text B The New York Times
Unit 7 Text A Safe at School?
Text B The Washington Post
Unit 8 Text A Building a Nation of Polyglots, Starting with the Very Young
Text B Los Angeles Times
Unit 9 Text A When More Is Worse
Text B The Christian Science Monitor
PART 3 Science, Culture and Hygience
Unit 10 Text A The Real Space Race Is in Asia
Text B The Wall Street Journal
Unit 11 Text A Hoping to Draw Market Share with Touch Screens
Text B International Herald Tribune
Unit 12 Text A The Bard——As They Like it
Text B The Guardian
Unit 13 Text A Lets Talk about the Sex
Text B The Daily Telegraph
Unit 14 Text A Report 1 Eat Your Germs
Report 2 Eating Bugs
Text B Time
Unit 15 Text A Report 1 Smoking Riskier for Womens Hearts
Report 2 The Heart of a Woman
Report 3 Smoke Ring
Text B U.S. News & World Report Newsweek Readers Digest
PART 4 Politics & Economy
Unit 16 Text A Edwards Admits He Had an Affair
Text B The EconomistThe Spectator
New Statesman
Far Eastern Economic Review
Unit 17 Text A A Working Mother’s First Job Is to Be Our Scapegoat
Text B News Agency
Unit 18 Text A Rebuilding New Orleans
Text B Associated Press Uniteel Press Intemational
Unit 19 Text A Reinventing Rice to Feed the World Text B Reuters
Unit 20 Text A Asian Banks Still Strong But Face Tough Road Ahead
Text B Tass
PART 5 Environment and Ecology
Unit 21 Text A Sound and Fury
Text B Proposed Gas Drilling Upstate Raises Concerns About Water Supply
Unit 22 Text A Concern for Climate Change Defines Energy Nominee
Text B Cruising the Amazon
Reference Key to the Exercises
