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定 价:¥24.00

作 者: 庄恩平,(美)考克斯坦 主编
出版社: 上海外语教育出版社
标 签: 阅读


ISBN: 9787544612425 出版时间: 2009-05-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 205 字数:  


  《跨文化视角英语阅读教程》1-4册是根据《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》(以下简称《大纲》精心设计编写的。《大纲》提出了注重培养学生的跨文化交际能力和对文化差异的敏感性、宽容性以及处理文化差异的灵活性。同时《大纲》又对21世纪外语专业人才的培养规格作了概述,对21世纪外语人才的能力作了如下定义:外语专业学生在工作中的运用能力主要指能够从事不同文化间交流与合作的能力、交际能力、协作能力、适应工作的能力、独立提出建议和讨论的能力、组织能力、知人处事的能力、灵活应变的能力等。我们认为这不仅指语言的交际能力,而且是跨文化交际能力在工作环境中的具体体现。本套教程就是为了达到这一教学目的而编写的:它不仅具有英语专业阅读教程的特征,注重语言运用能力的训练,而且更注重在语言学习与教学中提高学生的跨文化交际能力。本教程主要有以下特点:一、教材编写体现跨文化交际研究成果教材主要编者都是长期从事跨文化交际和外语教学研究的专家,在教材编写中充分体现了跨文化交际学科和外语教学的融合。二、将跨文化交际能力的培养融入语言学习与教学之中语言是文化的组成部分,语言也是文化的媒介,而文化则通过语言得以体现,因此语言与文化学习不可分割,学习语言也是在学习所学语言国家的文化。 三、培养评判性阅读与批判性思维能力学习课文的目的不仅仅在于理解课文所传递的内容,还应该超越课文内容,理解作者的言外之意,联想与课文相关的内容与思想。




Unit 1 Culture and Communication
Before You Read
Reading Passage
Culture and Communication
After You Read
Supplementary Reading
Culture and Intercultural Communication
Unit 2 The Art of Public Speaking
Before You Read
Reading Passage
Beginning the Speech (1)
After You Read
Supplementary Reading
Beginning the Speech (2)
Unit 3 Nervousness in Public Speaking
Before You Read
Reading Passage
The Value of Nervousness in Public Speaking
After You Read
Supplementary Reading
Public Speaking
Unit 4 Becoming an Active Listener
Before You Read
Reading Passage
Becoming an Active Listener
After You Read
Supplementary Reading
The Five Factors of Listening
Unit 5 Giving Constructive Feedback
Before You Read
Reading Passage
How to Give Constructive Feedback
After You Read
Supplementary Reading
Prepare to Give Constructive Feedback
Unit 6 Small Talk; Big Role
Before You Read
Reading Passage
Small Talk; Big Role
After You Read
Supplementary Reading
How to Be a Mingler, Not a Mangler
Unit 7 Intercultural Competence in Business Presentations
Before You Read
Reading Passage
Intercultural Competence in Business Presentations
After You Read
Supplementary Reading
Intercultural Factors When Making International Presentations
Unit 8 Space and Communication
Before You Read
Reading Passage
Space and Communication
After You Read.
Supplementary Reading
In Certain Circles, Two Is a Crowd
Unit 9 Time and Culture
Before You Read
Reading Passage
Time and Culture
After You Read.
Supplementary Reading
Time Orientation
Unit 10 Nonverbal Communication in lob Interviews
Before You Read.
Reading Passage
Nonverbal Communication in Job Interviews
After You Read
Supplementary Reading
Every Body‘s Talking
Unit 11 Managing Interviews in the Workplace
Before You Read.
Reading Passage
Managing Interviews in the Workplace
After You Read
Supplementary Reading
Early Career Development —— Establish "Success Syndrome"
Unit 12 Steps in Cultural Understanding
Before You Read
Reading Passage
Steps in Cultural Understanding
After You Read
Supplementary Reading
High-context and Low-context Communication
121Problems for American Employees in Japanese Companies
Before You Read
Reading Passage
Unit 13 Problems for American Employees in Japanese Compan
After You Read
Supplementary Reading
Cultural Insights: Brain Scans Support Surprising Differences in Perception Between
Westemer and Asians
Unit 14 Student Evaluation of Teaching
Before You Read
Reading Passage
Student Evaluation of Teaching
After You Read
Supplementary Reading
New York Measuring Teachers by Test Scores
Unit 15 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
Before You Read
Reading Passage
Maslow‘s Hierarchy of Needs
After You Read
Supplementary Reading
