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作 者: 庄恩平,(美)考古斯坦 主编
出版社: 上海外语教育出版社
标 签: 阅读


ISBN: 9787544612395 出版时间: 2009-05-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 209 字数:  


  《跨文化视角英语阅读教程3》根据《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》精心设计编写,目的在于培养学生对文化差异的敏感性、宽容性以及处理文化差异的灵活性,以提高跨文化交际能力。体现跨文化交际研究成果:教材主要编者都是长期从事跨文化交际和外语教学研究的专家,在教材编写中充分体现了跨文化交际学科和外语教学的融合;将跨文化交际能力的培养融入语言学习与教学之中:《跨文化视角英语阅读教程3》精心设计了Learning Culture through Quotations/Proverbs这一练习,将语言—文化—行为三者融为一体,学生参与讨论,既能锻炼学生的语言运用能力,理解谚语与文化之间的关系,又能提高学生的思辨性思维能力,增强跨文化意识; 培养评判性阅读与批判性思维能力:Building Critical Reading and Thinking Skills旨在引导学生思考和讨论与课文相关的其他内容,鼓励学生结合社会现象与个人经历,从不同角度分析问题,阐述观点;注重跨文化交际技能训练:通过案例分析,引导学生进行讨论与分析,从而提高跨文化交际能力。《跨文化视角英语阅读教程3》可供本科英语专业、商务英语专业作为阅读课、跨文化交际课教材,也可用作大学英语选修课教材、还可供高职高专商务英语专业选用。




Unit 1 Why Do Study Intercultural Communication?
Before You Read
Reading Passage
Why Do We Study Intercultural Communication?
After You Read
Supplementary Reading
The Origins of Intercultural Communication
Unit 2 Barriers to Intercultural Communication
Before You Read
Reading Passage
Barriers to Intercultural Communication
After You Read
Supplementary Reading
Attitudes toward the Culturally Different: The Role of Intercultural Communication
Barriers, Affective Responses, Consensual Stereotypes, and Perceived Threat
Unit 3 Why Do Americans Act Like That?
Before You Read
Reading Passage
Why Do Americans Act Like That?
After You Read
Supplementary Reading
American Ways
Unit 4 Understanding Values behind Business People
Before You Read
Reading Passage
Understanding Values Behind Business People
After You Read
Supplementary Reading
How to Do Business in Canada?
Unit 5 America Is Neither a 'Melting Pot'Nor a 'Salad Bowl'
Before You Read
Reading Passage
America Is Neither a 'Melting Pot' Nor a 'Salad Bowl'
After You Read
Supplementary Reading
Immigrants Shunning Idea of Assimilation
Unit 6 Different Communication Styles
Before You Read
Reading Passage
Verbal Communication: The Way People Speak
After You Read
Supplementary Reading
Communication Styles
Unit 7 How American and German See Each Other
Before You Read
Reading Passage
How American and German See Each Other
After You Read
Supplementary Reading
German-American Intercultural Differences at the Workplace: A Survey
Unit 8 Different Ways of Thinking
Before You Read
Reading Passage
Different Ways of Thinking
After You Read
Supplementary Reading
Discourse Patterns and World Views
Unit 9 The Cultural Mold:Differences That Make a Difference
Before You Read
Reading Passage
The Cultural Mold: Differences That Make a Difference
After You Read
Supplementary Reading
How Japanese and Americans View Each Other's Communication Habits
Unit 10 Cross-Cultural Conflict and Adjustment
Before You Read
Reading Passage
Cross-Cultural Conflict and Adjustment
After You Read
Supplementary Reading
Conflict Resolution for Contrasting Cultures
Unit 11 Employee Turnover:East-West Cultural Differences
Unit 12 Cultural Differences That Influence Business in China
Unit 13 Understanding Cultural Differences While Studying Abroad
Unit 14 Cross-Cultural Marriage
Unit 15 Friends and Strangers
