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定 价:¥24.00

作 者: 威廉姆斯(Williams,I.) 编著
出版社: 上海外语教育出版社
丛编项: 职场英语选修教程系列
标 签: 职场英语


ISBN: 9787544610322 出版时间: 2009-04-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 147 字数:  






To the Student
Unit 1 Research and Development
Lesson 1 Congress and the National Science Foundation
Lesson 2 Measuring and comparing R&D activity
Lesson 3 Coordinating the members of the team
Lesson 4 Working out a logical sequence
Lesson 5 Gradually increasing expenditure
Lesson 6 Developing a new product
Team Project 1
Unit e Design end Tasting
Lesson 1 Establishing industrial design as a profession
Lesson 2 No single, unified style of industrial design
Lesson 3 Compromises and engineering designs
Lesson 4 Value engineering
Lesson 5 Testing your products
Lesson 6 Choosing to performance-test products
Team Project 2
Unit 3 Manufacturing and Industry
Lesson 1 Expert knowledge in a variety of fields
Lesson 2 Working for an electric utility company
Lesson 3 Coordinating their computer systems
Lesson 4 Describing chemical engineering tasks
Lesson 5 Combining semiconductors with phosphors
Lesson 6 Mechanical engineers also design tools
Team Project 3
Unit 4 Safety, Maintenance, and Quality Control
Lesson 1 What caused the explosion
Lesson 2 The prevention of accidents
Lesson 3 Wearing special clothes
Lesson 4 The amplitude of motion
Lesson 5 Quality and a finished item
Lessen 6 A "total quality control" approach
Team Project 4
Unit 5 Careers and Employment
Lesson 1 Computerization and its role
Lesson 2 Physicists and biotechnology firms
Lesson 3 Still a male-dominated profession
Lesson 4 Many engineers are licensed PEs
Lesson 5 Median annual earnings
Lesson 6 Seeing an increase in opportunities
Team Project 5
Unit Reviews
Additional Activities
Reading Resources
Writing Resources
Unit Tests
Grammer Resource
