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定 价:¥24.00

作 者: 乔纳森 编著
出版社: 上海外语教育出版社
丛编项: 职场英语选修教程系列
标 签: 职场英语


ISBN: 9787544610308 出版时间: 2009-04-01 包装: 平装
开本: 大16开 页数: 150 字数:  






To the Student
Unit 1 Philosophy
Lesson 1 Are you going to be a philosopher
Lesson 2 First day of class
Lesson 3 In my opinion...
Lesson 4 Too much to do
Lesson 5 The philosophy of right and wrong
Lesson 6 If we go ahead with this plan...
Team Project 1
Unit 2 Language
Lesson 1 I don't have much experience
Lesson 2 Can you tell me a little about yourself
Lesson 3 Can you do a translation
Lesson 4 Linking languages
Lesson 5 We need the translation tomorrow
Lesson 6 A report on our services
Team Project 2
Unit 3 Art
Lesson 1 We help artists sell their work
Lesson 2 Getting the facts
Lesson 3 I'm not so sure about that
Lesson 4 Keeping traditional arts alive
Lesson 5 Our objective in this meeting...
Lesson 6 What should we do to help...
Team Project 3
Unit 4 History
Lessen 1 Preserving the past
Lesson 2 life wasn't easy
Lessen 3 I'd be glad to
Lesson 4 At home in 1250 A.D.
Lesson 5 It must have been uncomfortable
Lesson 6 Messages from the past
Team Project 4
Unit 5 Social Science
Lessen 1 A very interesting question
Lesson 2 I'm very happy to be here
Lesson 3 Gathering information
Lesson 4 How good are our schools
Lesson 5 How is your research going
Lesson 6 The results of our survey show...
Team Project 5
Unit Reviews
Unit Tests
Reading Resources
Writing Resources
Additional Activities
Grammsr Resource
