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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语职业、行业英语职场英语口语与写作实训:办公室英语



定 价:¥29.00

作 者: 李晶 主编
出版社: 天津大学出版社
标 签: 职场英语


ISBN: 9787561829363 出版时间: 2009-03-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 288 字数:  






上篇 办公室英语口语实训
 Chapter One: Working in the Office (Ⅰ)
 第一章 在办公室(1)
  Unit 1 Job Interview
  Unit 2 New Comers in the Office
 Chapter Two: Working in the Office (Ⅱ)
 第二章 在办公室(2)
  Unit 1 Dealing with Rules
  Unit 2 Jobs and Responsibilities
  Unit 3 Dealing with Overtime
  Unit 4 Asking for a Leave
  Unit 5 On-the-job Training
  Unit 6 Asking for a Raise
  Unit 7 Promotion and Demotion
  Unit 8 Dismiss and Transference
  Unit 9 Job-hopping
  Unit 10 Resignation
 Chapter Three: With the Customer
 第三章 面对客户
  Unit 1 Making Phone Calls
  Unit 2 Putting off an Appointment
  Unit 3 Receiving Visitors
  Unit 4 Dealing with Complaints
  Unit 5 Introduction to a Company and the Products
 Chapter Four: With the Boss
 第四章 面对老板
  Unit 1 Orders from the Boss
  Unit 2 Making Schedules forBoss
  Unit 3 Arranging an Appointment on Behalf of the Boss
  Unit 4 Making an Appointment
  Unit 5 International Call Transfer
  Unit 6 Calling on Behalf of the Boss
  Unit 7 Work Schedule
  Unit 8 Arrangement
  Unit 9 A Daily Schedule Report
 Chapter Five: With the Colleagues
 第五章 面对同事
  Unit 1 Asking Colleagues for a Help
  Unit 2 Helping Each Other
  Unit 3 Delegation Responsibilities
  Unit 4 Daily Work and Work Report
  Unit 5 Exchanging Ideas
 Unit 6 Coffee Break
  Unit 7 Attending Company Activities Together
  Unit 8 Friendly Daily Talks
 Chapter Six: Computer, Internet and E-mail
 第六章 电脑、网络和电邮
 Unit 1 Computer
  Unit 2 Internet
 Unit 3 Mail and Printer
  Unit 4 Electronic Commerce
 Chapter Seven: Meeting and Filing
 第七章 会议与档案
  Unit 1 Meeting
  Unit 2 Filing
 Chapter Eight: DailyWork (Ⅰ)
 第八章 日常事务(1)
  Unit 1 Booking Tickets
  Unit 2 Reserving a Table
  Unit 3 Booking a Room
  Unit 4 Cancellation of Flight
 Chapter Nine: DaiiyWork (Ⅱ)
 第九章 日常事务(2)
  Unit 1 Faxing
  Unit 2 Word Processing
  Unit 3 Mailing Goods
  Unit 4 Writing Letters
  Unit 5 Making Copies
  Unit 6 Memorandum
下篇 办公室英语写作实训
 第一章 商务信函写作
  第一节 备忘录
 第二节 电子邮件
 第三节 商务报告
  第四节 商务提案
  第五节 商务信函
 第六节 外贸合同
 第二章 日常事务信函写作
  第一节 预约信
  第二节 介绍信
  第三节 推荐信
  第四节 感谢信
  第五节 祝贺信
  第六节 通知
