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定 价:¥24.00

作 者: 黄星,刘春波,黄汽驰 主编
出版社: 人民邮电出版社
丛编项: 中国职业技术教育学会科研项目优秀成果·高等职业教育汽车专业“双证课程”培养方案规划教材
标 签: 科技英语


ISBN: 9787115205223 出版时间: 2009-05-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 217 字数:  






Introduction to Cars
Technical and Practical Reading
Kinds of Cars
New W0rds
Phrases and Expressions
Types and Recurrence of Maintenance Operations
New Words
Phrases and Expressions
Glance at the Structure of the Automobile
Have a Try
Troubleshooting Guide
Listening and Speaking
Visiting the Car Company
Introduction to Automobile Engine
Technical and Practical Reading
Engine Construction(I)
New Words
Phrases and Expressions
Engine Construction(II)
New Words
Phrases and Expressions
Glance at the Structure of the Automobile
Have a Try
Troubleshooting Guide
Troubleshooting Engine Performance
Listening and Speaking
Asking for Opinions
Lubrication and Cooling System
Technical and Practical Reading
Lubrication System
New Words
Phrases and Expressions
Cooling System
New words
Phrases and Expressions
Glance at the Structure of the Automobile
Have a Try
Troubleshooting Guide
Listening and Speaking
Talking about Car Maintenance
Introduction to Drive Train
Technical and Practical Reading
Drive Train(I)
New Words
Phrases and Expressions
Drive Train(II)
New WordS
Phrases and Expressions
Glance at the Structure of the Automobile
Have a Try
Trouble shooting Guide
Listening and Speaking
Purchasing a Car in the Shop
Automotive Ignition System
Technical and PracticalReading
Conventional IgnitionSystem
New Words
Phrasesand Expressions
New Words
Phrasesand Expressions
Glanceatthe Structure of the Automobile
Have a Try
Trouble shooting Guide
Listening and Speaking
Issuing the Information abouta
New Car
Introduction to Brake
Technical and Practical Reading
Brake System
New Words
Phrases and Expressions
Brake System
New words
Phrases and Expressions
Glance at the Structure of the Automobile avea Try
ubleshooting Guide
ing and Speaking
Repairing the Car
Suspensi on System
Technical and Practical Reading
Suspensi on Components
New Words
Phrases and Expressions
Suspensi on Types
New Words
Phrases and Expressions
Glance at the Structure of the Automobile
Have a Try
roubleshooting Guide
In the Car Laboratory
utomotive Steering
Technical and Practical Reading
Types of Steering System
New Words
Phrases and Expressions
Power Steering System
New Words
Phrases and Expressions
Glance at theS tructure of the Automobile
Have a Try
Trouble shooting Guide
Listening and Speaking
Talking about the Steering System
Safety Airbag and Seatbelt
Technical and Practical Reading
Safety Airbag
New Words
Phrases and Expressions
Sea the lt
New Words
Phrases and Expressions
G1ance at the Structure of the Automobile
Have a Try
Trouble shooting Guide
Information about the Crash Sensor-Introduction to Instrument
Technical and Practical Reading
Gauges and Warning Lamps
New Words
Phrases and Expressions
Controls and Equipment。
New Words
Phrases and Expressions
Glance at the Structure of the Automobile
Have a Try
Trouble shooting Guide
Listening and Speaking
Introduction to Gaugesin Cars
Phrases and Expressions
第1单元 轿车简述
第2单元 汽车发动机介绍
第3单元 润滑和冷却系统
第4单元 传动系介绍
第5单元 自动点火系统
第6单元 制动系统简介
第7单元 悬架系统
第8单元 自动转向系统
第9单元 安全气囊与安全带系统
第10单元 仪表群
