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定 价:¥24.00

作 者: 黄星 主编
出版社: 机械工业出版社
丛编项: 教育部高等职业教育示范专业规划教材·数控技术专业
标 签: 科技英语


ISBN: 9787111257257 出版时间: 2009-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 230 字数:  






Unit 1 History of NC and CNC
 Part Ⅰ Technical and Practical Reading
  Passage A:History of Numerical Control
  Passage B:History of Computer Numerical Control
 Part ⅡGlance at a Control Panel
 Part Ⅲ Simulated Writing
  Section A Common Failure Diagnostics
  Section B Have a Try
 Part Ⅳ Communicative Speaking:Meeting Cust omers at the Airport
Unit 2 Introduction to CNC.
 Part Ⅰ Technical and Practical Reading
  Passage A:Buttons and Switches Found on the Control Panel
  Passage B:The Fundamentals of CNC
 Part ⅡGlance at a Control Panel
 Part Ⅲ Simulated Writing
  Section A Common Failure Diagnostics
  Section B Have a Try
 Part Ⅳ Communicative Speaking:Discussing the Schedule
Unit 3 Operation Principle of CNC
 Part Ⅰ Technical and Practical Reading
  Passage A:CNC Work—An Introduction
  Passage B:Features of CNC
 Part ⅡGlance at a Control Panel
 Part Ⅲ Simulated Writing
  Section A Common Failure Diagnostics
  Section B Have a Try
 Part Ⅳ Communicative Speaking:Visiting a Plant of CNC Machine
Unit 4 CNC Programming Techniques
 Part Ⅰ Technical and Practical Reading
  Passage A:Bracket Arm Tutorial
  Passage B:CNC  Part Programming
 Part Ⅱ Glance at a Control Panel
 Part Ⅲ Simulated Writing
  Section A Common Failure Diagnostics
  Section B Have a Try
 Part Ⅳ Communicative Speaking:Entertaining Customers
Unit 5 Operation of CNC Machines
 Part Ⅰ Technical and Practical Reading
  Passage A:Operations of CNC Machine Tools
  Passage B:Aluminurr/Enclosure Tutorial
 Part ⅡGlance at a Control Panel
 Part Ⅲ Simulated Writing
  Section A Common Failure Diagnostics
  Section B Have a Try
 Part Ⅳ Communicative Speaking:Issuing the Information About New Product
Unit 6 Introduction to Robotics.
 Part Ⅰ Technical and Practical Reading
  Passage A:A History of Robotics
  Passage B:Types of Robots
 Part ⅡGlance at a Control Panel
 Part Ⅲ Simulated Writing
  Section A Common Failure Diagnostics
  Section B Have a Try
 Part Ⅳ Communicative Speaking:Public Relation Activity
Unit 7CNC Maintenance and Training
 Part Ⅰ Technical and Practical Reading
  Passage A:CNC Machine Maintenance
  Passage B:CNC Training Guidelines
 Part ⅡGlance at a Control Panel
 Part ⅢSimulated Writing
  Section A Common Failure Diagnostics
  Section B Have a Try-
 PartⅣCommunicative Speaking:Maintenance of CNC Machine Tools
Unit 8Operating Instruction of CNC
 Part Ⅰ Technical and Practical Reading
  Passage A:Uniport 8000 Traveling Bridge CNC Machining Center
  Passage B:Advantages and Disadvantages of CNC Machines
 Part ⅡGlance at a Contml Panel
 Part ⅢSimulated Writing
  Section A Common Failure Diagnostics
  Section B Have a Try
 PartⅣCommunicative Speaking:After—Sales Service
Unit 9IntrOductiOn 0f 2D and 3D Computer-Aided Design
 Part Ⅰ Technical and Practical Reading
  Passage A:2D Computer—Aided Design and Manufacture
  Passage B:3D Computer-Aided Design and Manufacture
 Part ⅡGlance at a Control Panel
 Part ⅢSimulated Writing
  Section A Common Failure Diagnostics
  Section B Have a Try
 Part ⅣCommunicative Speaking:Talking About 2D and 3D
Unit 10 CNC Machines and Safety
 Part Ⅰ Technical and Practical Reading
  Passage A:Safety Features of CNC Maehines
  Passage B:Safety Precautions of CNC Machines
 Part ⅡGlance at a Control Panel
 Part ⅢSimulated Writing
  Section A Common Failure Diagnostics
  Section B Have a Try
 Part ⅣCommunicative Speaking:Talking About CNC Supervising Safety Glossary
List of Abbreviations
