Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Background of this study
1.2 Definition of intercultural ethic in translatiort
1.3 Intercultural ethic as a noYm in translation
1.4 Research methods of the present study
1.5 0rganization of the book.
1.6 Significance of the present study
Chapter Two Intercultural Ethic as an Indispensable Norm of the Decency of Translation
2.1 The decency of translation strategies:a case study on fidelity,
2.2 The decency of patronage,
2.3 The decency of translation criticism
2.4 The decency of reading responses
2.5 Summary
Chapter Three Intercultural Ethic as a Norm of Translators’ Subjectivity
3.1 Definition of translators’subjectivity,
3.2 Translators’subjectivity motivated with the norm of intercuhural ethic
3.3 Intercultural ethic as a relative norm of translators’ subjectivity
3.4 Intercultural ethic normalizing translators’subjectivity,with other parameters,
3.5 Summary
Chapter Four Basic Patterns of Intercultural Ethic as a Nnrm of Translation
4.1 Intercultural ethic:simplex or multiplex
4.2 Intercultural ethic:muhichannel
4.3 Intercultural ethic:unilateral or interactive
4.4 Intercultural ethic:semi.detached
4.5 Intercultural ethic:accepted VS.rejected
4.6 Summary
Chapter Five Preconditions for Proper Translation Normalized with Intercultural Ethic
5.1 Appropriate strategies for intercultural ethic
5.2 Responsible patronage for intercultural ethic
5.3 Decent criticism for intercuhural ethic
5.4 Summary
Chapter Six Conclusion
Appendix I
Appendix II
Appendix III