1.问路Asking for Directions/2
2.坐火车出行Traveling by Train/6
3.坐公交车出行Taking a Bus/11
4.乘地铁Taking the Subway/16
5.乘出租车Taking a Taxi/19
外出就餐Eating Out
6.预定餐位Reserving a Tab/e/26
7.点餐Ordering the Meal/29
8.上菜Serving the Dishes/35
9.买单Paying the Bill/39
10.在快餐店At the Fast-food Restairant/42
购物Lets Go Shopping
11.在商场(I)At the Department Store(I)/46
12.在商场(Ⅱ)At the Department Store(II)/55
13.在超市At the Supermarket/62
14.在大卖场At an OuSt/68
15.退/换货Returning/Exchanging a Product/72
外出旅行Going Out on a Trip
17.在旅行社In the Travel Agency/82
19.在酒店In the Hotel/92
20.货币兑换Currency Exchange/98
21.处理意外状况Dealing with a Situation/103
休闲娱乐Recreational Activities
22.去看电影/2剧院Going to the Cinema/Theatre/108
23.开派对Having a Party/115
24.去酒吧Going to a Bar/121
25.我们去唱歌/跳舞吧!Lets Go Singing/Dancing!/127
26.去野餐Going on a Picnic/132
运动和健身Sports and Fitness
27.我们运动吧!Lets Do Sports!/138
28.在健身中心In the FTtness Center/144
29.游泳和慢跑Swimming and Jogging/150
31.户外运动Outdoor Activities/162
菁菁校园Campus Life
32.好好学习Striving For Excellence in Study/168
33.与室友相处Getting Along with Roommates/173
34.兼职工作户lart-time Job/180
36.青涩恋情Love and Romance/191
甜蜜的家Sweet Home
37.结婚纪念日Wedding Anniversary/198
38.夫妻之间Husband and Wfe/203
39.父母与子女Parents and Children/209
40.家庭聚会Family Get-Together/215
41.租房Renting an Apartment/219
42.家庭装修Home Decoration andImprovement/225
人在职场Work and Career
44.上班第一天Firsf Day at Work/239
45.在办公室In the Office/244
47.辞职Resigning from a Position/259
48.因特网让生活更便利了吗?Does the Intemet Make OurLife Easier?/254
49.你看报纸吗?Do You ReadNewspapers?/270
50.人类与动物Man andAnimal/276