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定 价:¥21.00

作 者: 张丽 主编
出版社: 重庆大学出版社
丛编项: 大学英语选修课系列教材
标 签: 大学英语教材


ISBN: 9787562445524 出版时间: 2008-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 137 字数:  






Unit 1 School Life
 Clip One Save at School
 Clip Two cool at School
 Clip Three Campus Hook—Ups
 Clip Four Stopping Student ID Theft
 Clip Five American Students under Heavy Pressure
 Clip Six SchooI Dinner
 Word Power
Unit2 Love and Family
 Clip One Hitch
 Clip Two Lovers’Quarrels:the Topics to Fight About
 Clip Three The Legacy of Chades and Diana
 Clip FOur Love’S Comer
 Clip Five Armless Mother
 Clip Six Meet the Duggar Family
 Word Power
Unit 3 Different People,Different Cultures
 Clip One The 4th of July’
 Clip Two Proud
 Clip Three RomanlJc Verona’
 Clip F0ur Vatican
 Clip Five Anchovies and Champagne in Barcelona
 Clip Six China’S Brewing Controversy
 Word Power
Unit 4 Entertainment and Leisure
 Clip One Beckham’S Resignation Speech
 Clip Two Join the Militarye.
 Clip ThFee GetUng Kids to Read
 Clip Four Video Game Addictions
 Clip Five city Room of New、York Times’
 Clip Six Impemonating Elvis PFesley
 Word Power
Unit 5 Health
 Clip One A Good Night’S Sleep
 Clip Two lS Coffee Healthy?
 Clip Thtee Eat Chocolate:It’S Good for You。
 Clip Four High Price of Obesityt
 Clip Five Fast Food and Schools
 Clip Six Laughter:Best Medicine?
 Word Power
Unit 6 Career Planning
 Clip One Amedcan Students' LaCk of Life Skills
 Clip Two Most Lucrative College Degrees
 Clip Three What’S the Word That CEOs Don’t Like the Most?
 Clip Four Job—Hopping’
 Clip Five Chinese Business Etiquette
 Clip Six Does Happiness Equal Success
 Word Power
Unit 7 Science and Technology
 Clip One Microsoft
 Clip Two Ebay
Unit8 Historical Events
