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定 价:¥24.00

作 者: 薛水明,陈红玉 编
出版社: 天津大学出版社
标 签: 高职高专


ISBN: 9787561828847 出版时间: 2008-12-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 113 字数:  






Unit One Currency and Finance
 Part A What Is Money
 Part B An Important Financial Institution
 Part C The Great Depression
 Part D Practice
Unit Two Exploration
 Part A Oldest Man to Scale Mount Qumolangma
 Part B Machu Picchu
 Part C The Great Barrier Reef
 Part D Practice
Unit Three Natural Disaster
 Part A Brief Introduction to Disaster
 Part B A Disastrous Quake Hits China
 Part C Aftershocks in Shanghai
 Part D Practice
Unit Four American Customs and Culture
 Part A Religion in America
 Part B Some Characteristics one mericans
 Part C Social Gatherings of Americans
 Part D Practice
Unit Five Sports
 Part A Olympic Spirit
 Part B The Colors of the 2008 Olympics
 Part C Mascots
 Part D Practice
Unit Six Cloning
 Part A Ian Wilmut: Breaking the Clone Barrier
 Part B The Biotech Century
 Part C Clone Farm
 Part D Practice
Unit Seven Earth & Environment
 Part A Climate Change
 Part B Water Shortage
 Part C President Bush Welcomes Recipients of the President's Environmental Youth Awards (Excerpt)
 Part D Practice
Unit Eight Health and Food
 Part A Belly Fat and a Healthy Diet
 Part B Overweight and Obesity
 Part C Four Powerful Reasons to Eat Slower
 Part D Practice
Final Examination
