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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语大学英语汽车专业英语(第二版)



定 价:¥25.00

作 者: 王宇 主编
出版社: 中国劳动社会保障出版社
丛编项: 高等职业教育汽车运用与维护专业教材
标 签: 高职高专


ISBN: 9787504577047 出版时间: 2009-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 182 字数:  


  本书以培养高职学生阅读和翻译汽车专业英语资料能力为主要目标。内容主要包括汽车发动机、汽车底盘、汽车电气系统、汽车排放控制系统、汽车用传感器、废气涡轮增压器、汽车自诊断系统等七部分,在内容选择上力求知识的系统性、完整性,并充分体现现代汽车的新技术、新概念,选材新颖;在内容的安排上充分考虑高职高专学生学习的特点,图文并茂,以期看图学词、阅文,增加趣味性,并注重与汽车发动机构造、汽车底盘构造、汽车电气系统构造等专业课程内容的衔接与融合,使学生在较熟悉的专业知识情境中完成学习任务。本书针对每一章节的内容安排了相应的词汇、注释、练习和阅读材料,以巩固和加强学生对知识的掌握和扩展。另外书后还附有词汇表、常用汽车英文缩写,方便学生查阅。本课程参考学时36学时,课堂上教师可根据大纲要求选择每章节的讲授内容,以培养学生汉译英的能力、阅读能力;课后Reading material可作为学生课后作业或知识拓展所用。本书为高职高专汽车类专业英语教材,也适合作为汽车售后企业的培训教材,也可供汽车爱好者学习汽车技术、阅读汽车维修资料等参考之用。参加本书编写工作的有:北京交通职业技术学院王宇(第一章~第五章),罗春红(第一章~第五章的注释),李淼(第六章一第七章的注释、第六章),王文丽(第七章),李文雅(附录),黎妮(词汇表),由吉林交通职业技术学院郭玲主审。此外,向在本书编写过程中给予帮助、提出宝贵意见的北京运通博恩汽车销售有限公司服务顾问郑福玲,以及河南交通职业技术学院、吉林交通职业技术学院、中国劳动社会保障出版社的相关老师表示由衷的感谢。




Chapter 1 Automotive Engines
 Unit 1. 1 Engine Operating Principles and Classification
  1. The Reciprocating Engines Operation
  2. Engine Classification
 Unit 1. 2 The Mechanism of Crank and Connecting Rod
  1. Cylinder Blocks
  2. Cylinder Head
  3. Engine Pistons and Connecting Rods
 Unit 1. 3 Valve Mechanisms
  1. The Valve Mechanism Types and Construction
  2. Valves and Related Parts
  3. Valve Timing
 Unit 1. 4 Fuel Supply System of Gasoline Engine
  1. Fuel Supply System of Gasoline Engine and Main Components
  2. Electronic Fuel Injection (EFI) System
 Unit 1.5 Diesel Engine Fuel System
  1. The Diesel Engine
  2. Diesel Fuel System Main Parts
 Unit 1.6 Engine Lubrication System
  1. Lubrication System Operation
  2. Lubrication System Main Components
 Unit 1.7 Engine Cooling System
  1. Cooling System Operation
  2. Cooling System Main Components
Chapter 2 Automotive Chassis
 Unit 2. 1 The Power Train
  1. The Clutches
  2. Transmission
 Unit 2. 2 Automotive Suspension System
  1. Suspension System
  2. Suspension Types
  3. Suspension System Components
 Unit 2.3 The Automotive Steering System
  1. The Steering System
  2. Front Wheel Alignment 
 Unit 2.4 Automobile Brake System
  1. The Brake System Main Components
Chapter 3 Automotive Electrical System
 Unit 3.1 Starting System
  1. Starter Motor
  2. Magnetic Switches (Relays or Solenoids)
  3. Ignition Switch
 Unit 3.2 Ignition Systems
  1. Distributor Ignition Systems
  2. Distributorless Ignition Systems
 Unit 3.3 Charging System
 Unit 3.4 Electrical and Electronic Symbols Identification
  1. Symbols
  2. Electronic Components Purposes
Chapter 4 Automotive Emission Control System
  1. Catalytic Converters
  2. Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR)
  3. Positive Crankcase Ventilation (PCV)
  4. Air Injection
  5. Evaporative Emissions Control (EVAP) System
Chapter 5 Automotive Sensors
 Unit 5. 1 Common Sensors
  1. Mass Air Flow Meter (MAF)
  2. Throttle Position Sensor (TPS)
  3. Temperature Sensors
  4. G and NE Signal Generators
  5. Manifold Pressure Sensor
  6. Knock Sensors
  7. Oxygen Sensor
Unit 5.2 Common Switch Sensors
  1. STA (Starter) Signal / NSW (Neural Start Switch) Signal
  2. A/C (Air Conditioner) Signal/Electrical Load Signal
  3. Other Switch Sensors
Chapter 6 Turbocharger
  1. Turbocharging Principle
  2. Turbocharger Major Components
Chapter 7 Self-Diagnosis System
  Unit 7. 1 OBD (On-Board Diagnosis)
  Unit 7. 2 Fault Codes
